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. 2022 Dec 1;19:285. doi: 10.1186/s12974-022-02646-0

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Effect of Adar D1113H mutantion on RNA editing. Neural RNA transcripts in Adar D1113H mutant mice were assessed for their RNA editing levels at the known editing sites in defined A-to-I RNA editing substrates, including editing sties in neuron receptors GIRA2 and 5-HT2cR, as well as the editing sites in mRNAs for BLCAP, Ube2o mRNAs, and microRNA 381. A RNA editing levels in Adar D1113H mouse brains were compared with that in the wildtype control mice. Editing activity of Adar D1113H mutation was significantly decreased at the editing sites in microRNA 381 and BLCAP mRNAs, whereas the editing sites in neuron receptor mRNAs and Ube2o mRNAs did not show a difference or only minimal differences. B Neural RNA editing level in Adar D1113H mutant mice was compared with that of Adar K999N mutant mice. These two mutant mice showed different RNA editing patterns in the tested neural RNA transcripts. The editing at the GIRA2 intron + 60 site, 5-HTR2c A, B, and D sites, and in miroRNA381 was significantly lower in Adar D1113H mice than in Adar K999N mice, whereas BLCAP mRNA editing was higher in Adar D1113H mice. Pairwise comparison of editing of each site between these two mutant groups was conducted using Mann–Whitney U test (n = 4–5 mice per group). *p < 0.05