Fig. 2.
Distributions of different genomic positions of genome-wide CpGs with matched mQTLs. A distributions of CpGs on the 450 K methylation array in different regions of the genome. Salmon bars show proportions of CpGs located in each genomic region for CpGs matched to mQTLs, and turquoise bars show distributions for all genome-wide CpGs. Whether these proportions were significantly different were compared using proportion tests (* for P < 0.05, ** for P < 0.01, and *** for P < 0.001). B Distributions of CpGs on the EPIC methylation array in different regions of the genome. Similar to (A), Salmon bars show proportions of CpGs matched to mQTLs, and turquoise bars show distributions for all CpGs. Proportion tests were done similar to that of (A).