Note: All sessions include reviewing and setting two goals: 1) Chronic pain self-management goal; 2) Weekly step count goal and new goal for 10% increase. |
Week 2: Staying Active: Why physical activity is effective for managing pain and fatigue; strategies for incorporating physical activity into daily routine. Using step counts to increase/maintain activity. Introduce NIA’s Go4Life booklet. Discuss resources available to participants in Detroit; e.g., senior centers and transportation. |
Week 4: Partnering With Your Provider: Communicating with health care providers. Preparing for medical visits to make sure concerns are addressed. |
Week 5: Relaxing and Reducing Stress: The relationship between pain and stress. Training your body to produce the relaxation response; how relaxation helps symptoms. Simple problem-solving process to address stressors. |
Week 6: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep: Impact of poor sleep on pain; sleep hygiene. |
Week 7: Moving Forward: Review of key skills and planning for long-term goals. |