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. 2022 Dec 1;17(12):e0278291. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278291

Table 1. Distribution of the potential risk factors for depressive symptoms stratified by sex and country and combined Zambia and South Africa.

Sex Country Combined Zambia and South Africa
Male Female Zambia South Africa
n % n % n % n % n %
(N = 829) (N = 1291) (N = 1453) (N = 667) (N = 2120)
Socio-demographic variables
Zambia 559 67.4 894 69.2 - - - - 1453 68.5
South-Africa 270 32.6 397 30.8 - - - - 667 31.5
Z1 161 19.4 248 19.2 409 28.1 - - 409 19.3
Z2 160 19.3 241 18.7 401 27.6 - - 401 18.9
Z3 81 9.8 153 11.9 234 16.1 - - 234 11.0
Z4 157 18.9 252 19.5 409 28.1 - - 409 19.3
SA1 84 10.1 146 11.3 - - 230 34.5 230 10.8
SA2 72 8.7 136 10.5 - - 208 31.2 208 9.8
SA3 114 13.8 115 8.9 - - 229 34.3 229 10.8
Male - - - - 559 38.5 270 40.5 829 39.1
Female - - - - 894 61.5 397 59.5 1291 60.9
15–17 years 518 62.5 817 63.3 915 63.0 420 63.0 1335 63.0
18–19 years 311 37.5 474 36.7 538 37.0 247 37.0 785 37.0
Education level
None + Incomplete primary 151 18.2 207 16 308 21.2 50 7.5 358 16.9
Complete primary 218 26.3 325 25.2 376 25.9 167 25 543 25.6
Incomplete secondary 329 39.7 489 37.9 513 35.3 305 45.7 818 38.6
Complete secondary +Higher 129 15.6 269 20.8 256 17.6 142 21.3 398 18.8
missing 2 0.2 1 0.1 0 0 3 0.4 3 0.1
HIV-Related Risk factors
HIV Test Status
Never tested 458 55.2 586 45.4 750 51.6 294 44.1 1044 49.2
Tested>12 Months 154 18.6 239 18.5 278 19.1 115 17.2 393 18.5
Tested≤12 Months 217 26.2 466 36.1 425 29.2 258 38.7 683 32.2
HIV Status
Never tested 456 55.0 584 45.2 749 51.5 291 43.6 1040 49.1
HIV negative 366 44.1 696 53.9 693 47.7 369 55.3 1062 50.1
HIV positive 5 0.6 9 0.7 10 0.7 4 0.6 14 0.7
missing 2 0.2 2 0.2 1 0.1 3 0.4 4 0.2
TB Status
Asymptomatic 547 66.0 906 70.2 967 66.6 486 72.9 1453 68.5
Symptomatic 279 33.7 380 29.4 481 33.1 178 26.7 659 31.1
On treatment 3 0.4 5 0.4 5 0.3 3 0.4 8 0.4
Staying with a HIV positive adult or child
no 757 91.3 1144 88.6 1307 90.0 594 89.1 1901 89.7
yes 69 8.3 144 11.2 146 10.0 67 10.0 213 10.0
missing 3 0.4 3 0.2 0.0 6 0.9 6 0.3
Stigmatizing attitude towards others
no 501 60.4 951 73.7 1027 70.7 425 63.7 1452 68.5
yes 314 37.9 322 24.9 412 28.4 224 33.6 636 30.0
missing 14 1.7 18 1.4 14 1.0 18 2.7 32 1.5
Sexual risk behaviour
Ever had sex
no 457 55.1 810 62.7 914 62.9 353 52.9 1267 59.8
yes 370 44.6 480 37.2 539 37.1 311 46.6 850 40.1
missing 2 0.2 1 0.1 0 0.0 3 0.4 3 0.1
Forced into sex during last sexual encounter *
No 355 95.9 425 88.5 473 87.8 307 98.7 780 91.8
Yes 15 4.1 55 11.5 66 12.2 4 1.3 70 8.2
Age difference between last sexual partner and participant*
within ±5 years 305 82.4 380 79.2 419 77.7 266 85.5 685 80.6
>5 years older 5 1.4 82 17.1 67 12.4 20 6.4 87 10.2
≤5 years younger 52 14.1 7 1.5 53 9.8 6 1.9 59 6.9
Missing 8 2.2 11 2.3 0 0.0 19 6.1 19 2.2
Number of sexual partners in the last 1 year * a
0 68 18.4 43 9.0 111 20.6 - - 111 13.1
1 94 25.4 196 40.8 290 53.8 - - 290 34.1
≥2 72 19.5 66 13.8 138 25.6 - - 138 16.2
Missing 136 36.8 175 36.5 0 0.0 - - - -
Condom use during last sexual intercourse*
Not used 160 43.2 186 38.8 238 44.2 108 34.7 346 40.7
Used 210 56.8 294 61.3 301 55.8 203 65.3 504 59.3
Alcohol/drug use during last sexual encounter *
no 311 84.1 444 92.5% 488 90.5 267 85.9 755 88.8
yes 59 15.9 36 7.5% 51 9.5 44 14.1 95 11.2
HIV Test Status*
Never tested 176 47.6 107 22.3% 191 35.4 92 29.6 283 33.3
Tested>12 Months 70 18.9 108 22.5% 120 22.3 58 18.6 178 20.9
Tested< = 12 Months 124 33.5 265 55.2% 228 42.3 161 51.8 389 45.8
no 415 50.1 - - 245 43.8 170 63.0 415 50.1
Medical circumcision 312 37.6 - - 276 49.4 36 13.3 312 37.6
Traditional circumcision 50 6.0 - - 26 4.7 24 8.9 50 6.0
Declined to answer 50 6.0 - - 12 2.1 38 14.1 50 6.0
Missing 2 0.2 - - 0 0.0 2 0.7 2 0.2
Currently Pregnant***
no - - 1254 97.1 870 97.3 384 96.7 1254 97.1
yes - - 37 2.9 24 2.7 13 3.3 37 2.9


*Among those who self-reported to ever had sex

**Among males

***Among females

“-”missing information

N = denominator

Z1-Z4 = Community 1 to community 4 in Zambia; SA1-SA3 = Community 1 to community 3 in South Africa.

%(n/N) = proportion of participants at each level of the potential risk factors expressed as a percentage for the totals in Zambia, South Africa and both countries combined.

a Collected in Zambia only