Changes in expression of adjuvant (CFA + Ptx)-associated factors for DRα1-MOG-35-55-treated WT and each knockout genotype with and without DRα1-MOG-35-55 treatment, compared to untreated WT mice. All groups are female mice with the severe EAE immunization regimen. Columns are sorted in descending order of adjuvant effect magnitude, representing the change in expression caused by priming similar mice in a previous experiment [38] with CFA + Ptx alone that induced cellular infiltration into the spinal cord but no demyelination or clinical signs of EAE. The adjuvant effect estimates are listed in italics for reference; an experimental effect of opposite sign and equal or greater magnitude would indicate reversal of the effect of adjuvant immunization on the factor. Under each column are listed percentage of expression changes that are in the opposite direction to the adjuvant effect and the correlation of change magnitudes to the adjuvant effect magnitudes. Expression changes are represented by the ΔCT score in log2 units, and Bayesian posterior probabilities that the estimated change is greater than 1 in magnitude appear in parentheses; entries with posterior probability >90% are bolded. Cells that show complete reversal (to within −0.1) of the adjuvant effect are highlighted, and cells where DRα1-MOG-35-55 treatment boosts suppression by ~2 or better are noted by thicker borders.