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. 2022 Nov 18;13:1052113. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1052113


Concentration-response model for opioid abstinence in the phase 3 study.

Parameter Description Estimate (RSE%) IIV (RSE%)#
α Intercept at logit level (300/300 mg and PBO) −3.30 (16) 2.64 (6.0)
Emax Maximal BUP effect 4.86 (9.7) 38.7 (32)
EC50 BUP concentration yielding 50% of Emax 1.21 (44) 151 (0.39)
βα (300/100) Relative intercept for 300/100 mg compared to 300/300 mg and PBO 0.794 (10)
βα (OPRD1 TC) Fractional change in α for OPRD1 TC genotype (rs678849) 0.133 (150)
βα (OPRD1 TT) Fractional change in α for OPRD1 TT genotype (rs678849) 0.309 (92)
βEC50 (INJUSE) Fractional increase in EC50 for use of opioids by injectable route at baseline 2.57 (47)
βEC50 (OPRD1 TC) Fractional decrease in EC50 for OPRD1 TC genotype (rs678849) −0.713 (19)
βEC50 (OPRD1 TT) Fractional decrease in EC50 for OPRD1 TT genotype (rs678849) −0.937 (4.0)
βEC50 (RACE) Fractional decrease in EC50 for African Americans −0.113 (910)
βEmax (EMPLY) Fractional increase in Emax for employed participants at baseline 0.427 (37)
βEmax (RACE) Fractional decrease in Emax for African Americans −0.311 (31)

# IIV was modeled assuming a normal distribution for α (SD shown) and log-normal distributions for Emax and EC50 (CV% shown). For log-normal distributions, CV% was calculated as 100×exp(ω2)1 where ω2 was the variance of the related subject-specific random effect.

BUP, buprenorphine; CV, coefficient of variation; IIV, interindividual variability; PBO, placebo; RSE, relative standard error; SD, standard deviation.