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. 2022 Nov 18;13:1052113. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1052113


Concentration-response model for opioid craving in the phase 3 study.

Parameter Description Estimate (RSE%) IIV (RSE%)#
α1 Intercept at logit level for zero craving (300/300 mg and PBO) −2.41 (6.8) 2.10 (4.7)
α1 (300/100) Intercept at logit level for zero craving (300/100 mg) −1.87 (11)
δ1 Delta between α2 and α1 2.28 (1.7)
δ2 Delta between α3 and α2 1.85 (2.5)
Emax Maximal BUP effect 2.87 (7.2) 101 (7.0)
EC50 BUP concentration yielding 50% of Emax 2.45 (15)
βEmax (BMI) Coefficient for BMI (power model) on Emax 0.853 (37)

#IIV was modeled assuming a normal distribution for α1 (SD shown) and a log-normal distribution for Emax (CV% shown). For the log-normal distribution, CV% was calculated as 100×exp(ω2)1 where ω2 was the variance of the related subject-specific random effect.

BMI, body mass index; BUP, buprenorphine; CV, coefficient of variation; IIV, interindividual variability; PBO, placebo; RSE, relative standard error; SD, standard deviation.