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. 2022 Dec 2;22:486. doi: 10.1186/s12905-022-02043-y

Table 2.

Studies reporting barriers to Cervical cancer screening in low- and middle-income countries

Author, Country, Year Study design Population Sample size Age (years) Screening method Barriers Quality rating
 Getahun T et al. Ethiopia, 2020 [13]

Mixed methods

Cross-sectional and IDIs

Rural and urban women, Cervical cancer screening service providers 821, 10 in-depth interviews median age 39 years (range 30–49) Not specified Individual, Social, Health system High
 Megersa BS et al. Ethiopia, 2020 [14]


IDIs and FGDs

Women who had participated in HPV self-sampling, sample collectors, community health care workers

47 (25 -FGDs, 22-in


mean age 36 years HPV self-sampling Individual, Social, Cultural/ traditional/ religious High
 Ampofo AG et al. Ghana, 2020 [15]


Cross-sectional survey

Women of reproductive age 200 15–50 VIA, pap smear Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system High
 Calys-Tagoe BNL et al. Ghana, 2020 [9]


Secondary data analysis

Women 2711 Mainly ≥50 years Pap smear Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious, Structural Medium
 Stewart K et al. Nigeria, 2020 [10]


Secondary data analysis

Women who had received cervical screening 621 Not specified VIA/VILI, and pap smear Structural High
 Harries J et al. South Africa, 2020 [16]


semi-structured interviews

Women with potential breast or Cervical cancer symptoms in urban and rural areas 18 mean age 34.5 years (range 22–58) Not specified Individual, Social, Health system, Structural High
 Nyamambi E et al. Zimbabwe, 2020 [17]



Sexually active women 156 15–50 VIA Individual, Cultural/traditional/ religious, Health system, Structural High
 Getachew et al. Ethiopia, 2019 [18]

Mixed methods

Cross sectional

and FGDs

Women of reproductive age attending primary health centres 520 mean age 27.7 years (range 20–49) Not specified Individual, Health system, Structural High
 Nigussie T et al. Ethiopia, 2019 [19]


Cross sectional

Women from a rural community 737 mean age 36.6 years (range 30–49) VIA Individual, Health system High
 Solomon K et al. Ethiopia, 2019 [20]


Cross sectional

HIV positive women attending ARV clinics 475 18 + years VIA Individual, Cultural/traditional/ religious Medium
 Williams MS et al. Ghana, 2019 [21]



Women 288 mean age 32.4 years (range 19–64) Pap smear Individual, Cultural/traditional/ religious High
 Adewumi K et al. Kenya, 2019 [22]



Women, community health volunteers 604 not specified self-collected vaginal swabs for HPV Social, Cultural/ traditional/religious, Structural High
 Oketch SY et al. Kenya, 2019 [23]



Women in Cervical cancer screening campaign 120 mean age 36.1 years HPV self-sampling Individual, Social, Structural High
 Lieber M et al. South Africa, 2019 [24]

Mixed method

IDIs, FGDs observations, chart reviews

Women patients and healthcare providers 12 patients, 3 healthcare providers Not specified VIA Individual, Health system Medium
 Shiferaw S et al. Ethiopia, 2018 [25] Mixed method, Cross-sectional and qualitative IDIs HIV-positive women attending heath facilities 581 mean age 35 years (range 21–65) Not specified Individual, Cultural/traditional/ religious, Health system, Structural High
 Kangmennaang J et al. Kenya, 2018 [26]


Cross-sectional survey, secondary analysis of survey data

Women of reproductive age 14,741 mean age 30 years (range 15–49) Not specified Individual, Social, Cultural/ traditional/religious, Structural High
 Ng’ang’a A et al. Kenya, 2018 [27]


Nested case-control study in a cross-sectional survey

Women 1180 30–49 Not specified Individual, Structural High
 Maree JE & Kampinda-Banda M. Malawi, 2020 [28]



Women, convenient sample in rural district 282 mean age 36.1 years (range 30–45) VIA Individual, Health system High
 Keneema M et al. Uganda, 2018 [29]



Women attending antenatal clinic 100 25–49 not specified Individual, Cultural/traditional/ religious, Health system, Structural Medium
 Vhuromu EN et al. South Africa, 2018 [30]



Women attending health clinics 500 20–59 pap-smear Individual, Cultural/ traditional/religious, Health system Medium

 Kokuro Ml. Ghana, 2017

Thesis [31]



Women attending reproductive health services 369 18 years+ Not specified Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional/religious, Structural High
 Bishwajit G & Kpoghomou M, Kenya, 2017 [32]


Cross-sectional secondary data analysis

Women 11,138

mean age 29.6 years

range (15–49)

Not specified Structural High
 Lunsford NB et al. Kenya, 2017 [33]



Women, married men with partners 25–49


(10 focus groups)

Women 25–49, men ≥18 Pap versus VIA/VILI Individual, Social, Cultural/Traditional/religious, Health systems, Structural High
 Tiruneh FN et al. Kenya, 2017 [34]



Married women 6498 15–49 Pap- smear, urine sampling Social, Structural High
 Filade TE et al. Nigeria, 2017 [35]


FGDs and IDIs

Pregnant women in antenatal care,

Healthcare workers

82 pregnant women, 13 Healthcare workers pregnant women, mean age 28.9 years HPV DNA based tests Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system, Structural High
 Momberg M. et al. South Africa, 2017 [36]



Women, first time colposcopy clinic attendees 27 mean age 34 years (range 18–49) pap smear & colposcopy Individual, Social High
 Malambo N. & Erikson S. Swaziland, 2018 [37] Qualitative Women, healthcare workers 20 women, 7 healthcare workers 19–49 Not specified Individual, Health system Medium
 Mitchell SM et al. Uganda, 2017 [38]



HIV+ women attending a routine care 87 30–69 Not specified Individual, Health system High
 Koneru A et al. Tanzania, 2017 [39]



HIV+ women 399 19 years+ VIA and colposcopy Individual, Health system High
 Modibbo IF et al. Nigeria, 2016 [40]



Muslim and Christian women purposively sampled 49

18 years+

mean age 33 years

Not specified Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional/ religious, Health systems High
 Hweissa NAb et al. Libya, 2016 [41]



Healthcare workers from public and private sectors 16 Not specified Pap smear Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system, Structural High
 Adepoju EG et al. Nigeria, 2016 [42]



Women 287 age 51.6 years (SD 14.3) Pap smear, colposcopy Individual Low
 Ndejjo R et al. Uganda, 2016 [43]


Cross sectional

Women from predominantly rural districts 900 25–49 Not specified Individual, Social, Health systems, Structural High
 Hasahya OT et al. Uganda, 2016 [44]



Women of whose daughters had received HPV vaccination. 36 25–49 Not specified Individual, Social, Health system, Structural High
 Ghidei et al. Ethiopia and Tanzania, 2015 Research report [45]


Cross sectional

Women 23 19–45 VIA Individual, Cultural/traditional/ religious Low
 Compaore SC. et al. Burkina Faso, 2015 [46]



Women 351 Not specified VIA, VILI Individual, Structural Medium
 Munthali CM. et al. Malawi, 2015 [47] Qualitative interviews Healthcare workers, cervical screening service providers, District coordinators 53 Not specified VIA Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system, Structural High
 Learmonth D. et al. South Africa, 2015 [48]



Women of low socioeconomic status 15 25–51 Not specified Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional/ religious, Health system, Structural High
 Ebu NI et al. Ghana, 2014 [49]



Women 392 10–74 Pap smear Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional/ religious, Health system, Structural High
 Omondi Aduda DS & Mkhize N. Kenya, 2014 [50]



Women screened for syphilis and Cervical cancer Not specified not specified Not specified Individual, Health system, Structural High

 Kibicho et al. Kenya, 2014

Thesis [51]


Cross -sectional

Women of reproductive age in a gynaecology ward 138 mean age 31.6 years (Range 18–49) Pap smear, coloscopy, VIA/VILI test Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system, Structural High
 Abdulkadir IR. Ethiopia, 2013 Thesis [52]



Female university students 392 Mean age 23.3 years (range 18–52 Pap smear Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system, Structural High

 Atuhaire L. Uganda, 2013

Thesis [53]


Exploratory and descriptive

Women accessing maternal and child health services 25 18–64 all screening Individual, Health system High
 Mwaka AD et al. Uganda, 2013 [54] Qualitative Healthcare workers 15 Not specified Not specified Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system, Structural High
 Paul et al. Peru, Uganda, Vietnam, 2013 [55] Qualitative Women, Healthcare workers, village health team 109 not specified VIA Individual, Social, Health system, Structural High
 Ngugi et al. Kenya, 2012 [56]



Women 50 Not specified Not specified Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system, Structural High
 Hyacinth et al. Nigeria, 2012 [57]


Cross sectional

Women in their workplace 388 18–65 Pap smear Individual, Health system High
 Mupepi SC et al. Zimbabwe, 2011 [58]



Sexually active women 12–84 Pap smear Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system, Structural High
 Andersen JG et al. Nepal, 2020 [59]


FGDs and IDIs

Women, female community health volunteers 48 30–60 Not specified Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional, Health system, Structural High
 Spagnoletti BRM et al. Indonesia, 2019 [60]


FGDs and semi-structured interviews

Married women and men 56 women, 30 men women 22–57, men 35–45 VIA and pap smear Individual, Social, Health system, Structural High
 Gu et al. China, 2018 [61]


Semi-structured interviews

Women at risk for cervical cancer in a prior study 27 25–50 pap smear test Individual, Health system, Structural High
 Ashtarian H et al. Iran, 2017 [62] Quantitative Cross-sectional Women attending health centres 355 mean age 34.08 years pap-smear Individual, Health system High
 Osth J. Sri Lanka, 2015 Thesis [63]



Male and female undergraduate students 326 18–30 Pap smear, cytological screening Individual High
 Jia Y. et al. China, 2013 [64] Quantitative Cross-sectional Women 5929 25–65 Pap smear, VIA, colposcopy Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious High
 Baskaran P. et al. Malaysia, 2013 [65] Quantitative Cross-sectional Women attending outpatient care 369 mean age 37.5 years (range 21–65) Pap smear Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system High
 Gan et al. Malaysia, 2013 [66]



women from 1000 households 959 mean age 45.2 years (range 20–64) Pap smear Individual, Social High
 Demirtas B & Acikgoz I. Turkey, 2013 [67]



women registering at a gynaecology outpatient clinic 256 21–62 Pap Smear Individual High
 Guvenc et al. Turkey, 2013 [68] Quasi-experimental Women 294 21+ Pap smear Individual
 Reis et al. Turkey, 2012 [69] Qualitative Women at gynaecology and obstetrics outpatient clinics 387 Not specified Pap Smear Individual Medium
 Gu et al. China, 2012 [70] Quantitative Cross-sectional Women 167 25–50 Not specified Individual High
 Abdullah et al. Malaysia, 2011 [71] Quantitative Cross-sectional Female secondary school teachers 403 not specified Pap smear Individual, Health system Medium
 Gu et al. China, 2010 [72] Quantitative Cross-sectional Women 184 25–50 Not specified Individual, Health system Medium
 Abdullah & Su, Malaysia, 2010 [73] Qualitative Semi-structured interviews Policy makers, healthcare workers 11 37–57 Pap smear Individual, Health system
 Al-Naggar RA, Isa ZM. Malaysia, 2010 [74] Quantitative Cross-sectional survey female Malaysian university students 287 18 years+ Pap smear Individual, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system Medium
 Park SJ, & Park Wl. Korea, 2010 [11]


Secondary analysis

Women aged 21+, no hysterectomy, eligible for Pap smears 2590 21 years+ Pap smear Individual, Structural High
North America
 Gottschlich A et al. Guatemala, 2020 [12] Quantitative Secondary data analysis screened and unscreened women 15,317 25–49 Pap smear Individual, Social, Structural High
 Bien-Aimé et al. Haiti, 2020 Thesis [75]


Cross sectional

women in five urban areas 200 25 years+ Pap smear, Colposcopy, VIA, HPV test Individual, Social Medium
 Lyons KD et al. Honduras, 2020 [76]


Cross sectional

Rural women 874 Not specified HPV PCR and pap smear Individual, Structural Medium
 Chary AN & Rohloff PJ. Guatemala, 2014 [77] Qualitative Semi-structured interviews NGO service provider staff 36 Not specified VIA Health system
South America
 Barret BW et al. Peru, 2020 [78]


Cross sectional

Rural women 619 18–65 HPV testing, VIA or pap smear Structural Medium
 Collins JH et al. Peru 2019 [79]


Cross sectional

Rural women 121 women mean age 42 years (range 21–76) not specified Individual, Structural High
 Nugus P et al. Ecuador, 2018 [80]


FGDs and semi structured interviews

Women who had participated in a community-based Cervical cancer screening program 28 24–69 Pap smear Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system, Structural High
 Albuquerque et al. Brazil, 2014 [81]


Cross sectional

Rural and urban women 493 Mean age 35.4 years (range15–69) Pap smear Individual, Health system, Structural High
 Stormo et al. Bolivia, 2012 [82]


Descriptive survey

Healthcare workers 42 Not specified VIA, cryotherapy Individual, Social, Cultural/traditional/religious, Health system Medium
 Paz-Soldán VA, et al. Peru,2012 [83] Qualitative semi-structured interviews Policy makers and healthcare workers 30 Not specified Not specified Health system, Structural High
 Paolino M & Arrossi Sl. Argentina, 2011 [84] Quantitative Women attending hospital 200 18+ Pap smear Individual, Health system, Structural High
 Townsend JS et al. US Affiliated Pacific Island Jurisdictions (USAPIJ), 2014 [85]



Healthcare workers 72 not specified HPV testing, Pap smear Health system, Structural High
 Valerianova Z. et al. Bulgaria, 2010 [86] Qualitative Healthcare workers 23–65 Not specified Individual, Health system Medium
 Rada C. et al. Romania, 2010 [87] Quantitative Cross sectional Men, women 1902 15–82 Pap smear Individual, Social Low

FGDs Focus group discussions, IDI In-depth interviews, VIA Visual inspection with acetic acid, VILI Visual inspection with Lugol’s iodine, HPV Human papillomavirus