Fig. 4.
The wrappER contains small ApoE-containing lipoparticles. A Schematic diagram illustrating the types of ApoE-containing lipoparticles produced in the ER lumen of astrocytes and hepatocytes. B Immunoblot and densitometry analysis showing changes in ApoE expression in Synj2bp-silenced livers. Mann–Whitney test was used to calculate p value. C Negative staining EM coupled to immunogold labeling of anti-ApoE lipoparticles floated from mouse liver WAM-enriched fractions. D Size of ApoE-containing lipoparticles isolated from WAM-enriched fractions. The value of this parameter is expressed in nm and refers to the diameter of the lipoparticle. The right graph shows the frequency distribution of lipoparticle sizes. Gold particles diameter = 10 nm