Radiologic and histological results. Disc degeneration (DD) and endplate scores (EPC) were graded on MRI at vertebral levels, where biopsies were taken. Control (MC0), Modic type (MC1), and Modic type 2 (MC2) were compared with Kruskal Wallis tests (Kruskal), except for tissue homogeneity/heterogeneity, where a Fisher exact test was performed. P-values of pairwise comparisons were adjusted according to Holm's method. Significant values are highlighted in bold. Power of post-hoc power-analysis is indicated in the last column. MT: Masson-trichrome. αSMA: alpha smooth muscle actin. COL1: type I collagen. COL3: type III collagen. FN: cellular fibronectin. CD105: endoglin. CD90: Thy-1.