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. 2022 Nov 16;19(11):e1004133. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004133

Table 1. The prescribing indicators grouped by serious harm outcome.

Indicator Description of Indicator Group at risk (Denominator) Group exposed to hazardous prescribing (Numerator)
Hazardous prescribing indicators associated with GI bleeding
A Prescription of an oral NSAID, without coprescription of an ulcer healing drug, to a patient aged ≥65 years Patients aged ≥65 years without coprescription of an ulcer-healing drug (PPI or H2 antagonist) in the 3 months leading up to the audit date Patients prescribed an oral NSAID in the 3 months leading up to the audit date
B Prescription of an oral NSAID, without coprescription of an ulcer-healing drug, to a patient with a history of peptic ulceration Patients aged ≥18 years with a Read code for peptic ulcer or upper GI bleed at least 3 months before audit date and not prescribed an ulcer-healing drug (PPI or H2 antagonist) within the 3 months leading up to the audit date Patients prescribed an oral NSAID within the 3 months leading up to the audit date
C Prescription of an antiplatelet drug, without coprescription of an ulcer-healing drug, to a patient with a history of peptic ulceration Patients aged ≥18 years with a Read code for peptic ulcer or GI bleed at least 3 months before audit date and not prescribed an ulcer-healing drug (PPI or H2 antagonist) within the 3 months leading up to the audit date Patients prescribed an antiplatelet drug (aspirin or clopidogrel or prasugrel or ticagrelor) within the 3 months leading up to the audit date
D Prescription of warfarin or DOAC in combination with an oral NSAID Patients aged ≥18 years prescribed warfarin or a DOAC (apixaban or dabigatran or rivaroxaban) within the 3 months leading up to the audit date Patients prescribed an oral NSAID within the 3 months leading up to the audit date
E Prescription of warfarin or DOAC and an antiplatelet drug in combination without coprescription of an ulcer-healing drug Patients aged ≥18 years prescribed warfarin or DOAC without coprescription of an ulcer-healing drug (PPI or H2 antagonist) within the 3 months leading up to the audit date Patients prescribed an antiplatelet drug (aspirin or clopidogrel or prasugrel or ticagrelor) within the 3 months leading up to the audit date and within 28 days of the warfarin/DOAC prescription
F Prescription of aspirin in combination with another antiplatelet drug (without coprescription of an ulcer-healing drug) Patients aged ≥18 years prescribed aspirin without coprescription of an ulcer-healing drug (PPI or H2 antagonist) within the 3 months leading up to the audit date Patients prescribed another antiplatelet drug (clopidogrel or prasugrel or ticagrelor) within the 3 months leading up to the audit date and within 28 days of the aspirin prescription
Hazardous prescribing indicators associated with asthma
G Prescription of a nonselective β-blocker to a patient with asthma Patients aged ≥18 years with a Read code for asthma at least 3 months before audit date and no subsequent asthma resolved code during that time period Patients prescribed a nonselective β-blocker within the 3 months leading up to the audit date
H Prescription of a long-acting beta-2 agonist inhaler (excluding combination products with inhaled corticosteroid) to a patient with asthma who is not also prescribed an inhaled corticosteroid Patients aged ≥18 years with a Read code for asthma at least 3 months before audit date (and no subsequent asthma resolved code during that time period) who have been prescribed a long-acting beta-2 agonist inhaler (excluding combination products with inhaled corticosteroid) within the last 3 months Patients not prescribed an inhaled corticosteroid within the 3 months leading up to the audit date
Hazardous prescribing indicators associated with heart failure
I Prescription of an oral NSAID to a patient with heart failure Patients aged ≥18 years who have a diagnosis of heart failure at least 3 months before the audit date Patients prescribed an oral NSAID within the 3 months leading up to the audit date
Hazardous prescribing indicators associated with cardiovascular events, including stroke
J Prescription of antipsychotics for >6 weeks in a patient aged ≥65 years with dementia but not psychosis Patients aged ≥65 years with a Read code for dementia at least 3 months before the audit date and no Read code for psychosis (or have a psychosis Read code and a subsequent psychosis resolved Read code) at least 3 months before the audit date Patients prescribed antipsychotic drugs at least once within the 3 months leading up to the audit date
Hazardous prescribing indicators associated with acute kidney injury
K Prescription of an oral NSAID to a patient with eGFR <45 mL/min Patients aged ≥18 years with chronic renal failure:
eGFR <45 mL/min at least 3 months before the audit date
Patients prescribed an oral NSAID within the 3 months leading up to the audit date
Composite of all indicators (A-K) Composite indicator (all 11 indicators) Number of unique patients in any of the above “at risk” groups (denominators) Number of patients exposed to a high-risk prescription (sum of the number of patients included in indicators A-K)
Composite of GI bleed indicators (A-F) Composite of GI bleed indicator (all GI bleed indicators) Number of unique patients in any of the above “at risk” groups (denominators associated with a GI bleed) Number of patients exposed to a high-risk prescription (sum of the number of patients included in indicators A-F)

DOAC, direct oral anticoagulant; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GI, gastrointestinal; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PPI, proton pump inhibitor.