Synthesis and characterization of P(MMA-AA-St) and P(MMA-AA-St)-GO. Raman spectra (A) of GO and P(MMA-AA-St)-GO. TEM images show that P(MMA-AA-St) (red dash circle) could be synthesized within the GO sheet to form P(MMA-AA-St)-GO (B) with the GO sheets (red arrow) wrapped around the P(MMA-AA-St) particles; the micrograph of GO sheet also illustrated in the lower left of Fig. 1B. Schematic of the chemical interaction between the GO sheet and P(MMA-AA-St) indicating π-π interactions between St and GO, hydrogen bonds between MMA and GO and between AA and GO, and ester bonds between AA and GO (C). Morphology of PMMA (D), P(MMA-AA-St) (F), and P(MMA-AA-St)-GO (H) and the corresponding spherical size distributions (E, G, I).The pores distribution of PBC (J), PGBCs (K), and PGBCm (L): the representative horizontal section (up-left) and 3D reconstruction of VOI (down-left), and the horizontal section view (up-right) and 3D reconstruction (down-right) of pores in the VOI (n = 4). (The scale bar is 500 nm for the GO sheet and 20 nm for B. The scale bar is 100 μm for D, and 400 nm for F and H. The scale bar is 1 mm for J-L and the colour scale bar in J-L indicated the volume of pores in PBC, PGBCs and PGBCm). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)