Dynamic changes in interactions between innate and adaptive immunity
(A) Boxplots show the numbers of interaction pairs among overall immune cells over time in six vaccine recipients; sample points from the same recipient are connected via lines in the same color. p values < 0.05 (Student' s t test) are indicated.
(B) Bar and line plots show the numbers of interaction pairs in selected cell subsets over time in six vaccine recipients; sample points from the same recipient are connected via lines in the same color. p values < 0.05 (Student' s t test) are indicated.
(C–F) Dot plots show the potential ligand-receptor pairs among innate immune cell subsets and adaptive immune cell subsets over time, including chemokine-receptor pairs indicative of interactions between monocyte and T cell subsets (C), co-stimulatory ligand-receptor pairs indicative of interactions between T cell and APC subsets (D), co-inhibitory ligand-receptor pairs indicative of interactions between T cell and APCs subsets (E), and IFNG-type II IFNR and CSF1-CSR1R pairs (F). Dot colors show the interaction scores calculated using the CellPhoneDB, while dot sizes indicate p values.