Table 2.
Hallmarks of cancer and the IGF1 signaling pathway.
Sustained proliferative signaling | IGF1 stimulates proliferation and inhibits death in a variety of cell types. IGF1 functions as a progression factor required to traverse the cell cycle. IGF1 has an important role in stem cell biology. |
Insensitivity to antigrowth signals | Cancer genes (e.g., tumor suppressors, oncogenes) adopt the IGF1 signaling pathway. Cellular and viral oncogenes require an intact IGF1 axis in order to elicit their transforming roles. |
Evasion of apoptosis | The IGF1R exhibits a potent anti-apoptotic activity. IGF1R confers upon cells enhanced survivability. Cells deprived of the IGF1R do not undergo transformation. |
Genome instability and mutation | p53, a DNA integrity sensor, suppresses IGF1R gene transcription. Mutation of p53 enhances IGF1R gene expression and IGF1-mediated mitogenesis. Activation of BRCA1 upon DNA damage leads to a reduction in IGF1R levels and IGF1 action. |
Sustained angiogenesis | IGF1 enhances the hypoxic response by stabilizing HIF-α and upregulating VEGF-A. A functional cooperation between the IGF1R and VEGF pathways has been identified in cancer cells. |
Tissue invasion and metastasis | Deregulated expression and availability of IGFs are regarded as key regulators of metastasis. Obesity leads to changes in the extracellular matrix and adipose cells, creating a cancer-permissive microenvironment. |