A) Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) gating path of adult (PN120) mouse lung cells with PNECs genetically lineage-labeled with ZsGreen and with immune (CD45+) and endothelial cells (CD31+) depleted by MACS prior to flow sorting as shown in
Figure 1A. Red boxes, cell population selected at each gate; percentage values, percent of cells within the indicated gate. Gate 1, side scatter (SSC) and forward scatter (FSC) to separate cells (from debris). Gate 2, forward scatter width (FSC-W) and height (FSC-H) to separate single cells (from doublets and larger aggregates). Gate 3, DAPI to select viable cells, and APC to exclude endothelial (CD31+) and immune (CD45+) cells. Gate 4 (Q2),ZsGreen+ (
Ascl1 genetic lineage label) and EpCAM+ (epithelial) to enrich for neuroendocrine (NE) cells; alternative gates were also used at this step to sort control cells (Q1, ZsGreen
hi; Q4, ZsGreen
lo EpCAM
hi). (
B) Results of an analytic sort of 100,000cells using above scheme. Count, number of cells within each gate. % of parent, % of analyzed cells at that sort; % of total, % of total analyzed cells (100,000). (
C) Computational clustering using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) of the expression profiles of 534 experimental and control cells sorted as above and analyzed by scRNA-seq. Identity of the cells (dots) in each cluster (colors) was assigned by cluster-selective expression of the canonical lung cell type markers indicated. (
C’) Box and whisker plots comparing
Epcam RNA levels (determined by scRNA-seq) in PNECs obtained from sorted ZsGreen
hi EpCAM
hi (left) vs. ZsGreen
hi EpCAM
lo (right) cell populations. Note EpCam RNA levels in PNECs obtained from both sorted populations are indistinguishable. (
C'') t-SNE clustering of the 176 PNECs in the boxed region of panel C highlighting PNECs obtained from the ZsGreen
hi EpCAM
hi (pink dots) vs. ZsGreen
hi EpCAM
lo (teal dots) sorted populations. Note intermingling of PNECs from the two sorted populations. (
D) Number and fraction of cells obtained by each gating strategy. NE, neuroendocrine (PNECs); AT2, alveolar type 2; AT1, alveolar type 1; Endo, endothelial. (
E) Scatterplot showing sensitivity (% NE cells that express the marker) vs. specificity (% non-NE epithelial cells that express the marker) of a panel of PNEC markers by scRNA-seq. Among the most sensitive and specific genes, several genes are likely also PNEC-selective (indicated by asterisk). The most PNEC-selective genes are also indicated. Classic PNEC genes (bold font). NE, neuroendocrine. (
F) Violin plots comparing expression of representative top marker genes in common (PNEC and TNEC markers) between pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs) and tracheal neuroendocrine cells (TNECs), and the TNEC-selective and PNEC-selective markers (
Supplementary file 1). The 40 lung cell types in the mouse lung cell atlas are indicated along x-axis (left to right) as in
Figure 1C, beginning with PNECs (orange dot) at left. Pulmonary epithelial cells (Pulm epi.) indicated along x-axis. TNEC expression of each gene is compared to other tracheal epithelial cells (Trach. epi.); data from
Montoro et al., 2018. The 6 tracheal epithelial cell types along the x-axis (left to right) are listed in the following order: TNEC (blue dot), basal, club, ciliated, tuft, and ionocyte. Expression of tracheal cells reported as log-normalized unique molecular identifiers per 10,000 (ln (UPK+1)), y-axis.