Figure 1.
Mathematical model of mutual inactivation shows production rate-dependent role of DLL3
(A) Schematic of Notch, DLL1, and DLL3 interactions in lateral inhibition with mutual inactivation (LIMI).
(B) Schematic of HES1GFP-positive cells from an RPR2;Hes1GFP tumor serving as a reporter cell line, with GFP expression from the Hes1 locus to monitor the effect of ectopic DLL3 expression in regulating Notch activity.
(C) Flow cytometry of HES1GFP-positive cells with (blue) and without (black) ectopic expression of DLL3 (representative of n = 4 biological replicates).
(D) Percentage of GFPhigh HES1GFP-positive cells with and without ectopic expression of DLL3. Unpaired t-test, data represented as mean ± s.d. ∗∗∗p<0.001.
(E) Log(Hmax/Hmin) at steady state were calculated as a function of βD3 and βD. Regions with values greater than 0 (light blue to yellow regions) support patterning, whereas those with 0 (dark blue) do not.
(F) Hexagonal cell lattice with LIMI showing that DLL3 expression can lead to sparser patterns of HES1high cells (blue) or no pattern (homogeneous color).
(G) Hmax as a function of βD3 and βD.
(H) Hmin as a function of βD3 and βD.
(I) Simulations with the indicated parameters for βD3 showing H levels in cells with high and low final H levels.
Green, red, purple, and gray dots in (E), (G), and (H) correspond to the parameters used in (I). See also Figure S1 and Table S1.