Table 6.
Abiotic degradation of MPs.
Degradation technology | Degradation mechanism | Types of MPs | Degradation efficiency | Reference |
Hydroxy-rich ultrathin BiOCl (BiOCl−X) degrades MPs | Photocatalytic degradation | 200–250 μm HDPE microspheres (PE−S), 2.38 mm Nylon-66 MPs, 3 mm POM microspheres, 2.6 mm white PP microspheres, 3 mm red PP microspheres, 5 mm black PP microspheres, 4 mm recycled HDPE |
PE-S mass loss 5.38% (BiOCl−1); PE−S mass loss 0.22% (BiOCl) | [139] |
ZnO–Pt nanocomposite photocatalysts degrades MPs | Photocatalytic degradation | LDPE film | N/A | [140] |
visible light photocatalysis of NPs using anodized CuxO | Visible-light photocatalytic degradation | 9 mg mL−1 PS−NPs solutions | The concentration of PS−NPs was reduced by 23% after 50 h | [141] |
TiO2 nanoparticle film made with Triton X−100 | Photocatalytic degradation | 400 nm PS | Mineralization 98.40% of 400 nm PS in 12 h | [142] |
Photocatalysis with TiO2–P25/β−SiC foams under UV-A radiation | Photocatalytic degradation | Three monodisperse suspensions of nanobeads:105 nm PMMA nanobeads; 140 nm PS nanobeads; 508 nm PS nanobeads | N/A | [143] |
Poly(styrene-block-acrylic acid) containing TiO2 gel (PS−b−PAA/TiO2) polymer could provoke photocatalytic activity to PS particles in water | Photocatalytic degradation | PS containing a N–H type hindered amine light stabilizer (PS/LA-77) in water | The molecular weight decreases were from 10% to 11% | [144] |
Green photocatalysis using a protein-based porous N–TiO2 semiconductor | Photocatalytic degradation | Extracted from a commercially available exfoliating scrub with diameters ranging 700–1000 μm | A total mass loss of 1.85% during the first 16 h of irradiation | [145] |
Mesoporous N–TiO2 coating | Photocatalytic degradation | Primary HDPE and LDPE MPs of two sizes were obtained from two commercial facial scrubs of different brand | Mass Loss (%): HDPE_A: 0.22 ± 0.02; HDPE_B: 4.65 ± 0.35; (5 ± 0.01) mm × (5 ± 0.01) mm LDPE: 0.97 ± 0.32; (3 ± 0.01) mm × (3 ± 0.01) mm: 1.38 ± 0.13 | [137] |
Electro-Fenton like (EF-like) technology based on TiO2/graphite (TiO2/C) cathode | Cathodic reduction dechlorination and hydroxyl radical (Oradical dotH) oxidation simultaneously | 100–200 μm PVC−MPs | Degrade PVC−MPs with 56 wt % removal after potentiostatic electrolysis at −0.7 V vs. Ag/AgCl at 100 °C for 6 h | [148] |
Hydrothermal coupled Fenton system | Thermal fenton reaction | 1 g L−1 certain types of MPs (UHMWPE, LDPE, HDPE, PS, PVC, PP, or PET) dispersed in 150 mL of ultrapure water | 95.9% weight loss of MPs in 4–16 h | [149] |
Functionalized carbon nanosprings (Mn@NCNTs/PMS) degrade MPs | The magnetic nanohybrids were applied for peroxymonosulfate activation to generate highly oxidizing radicals to decompose MPs under hydrothermal conditions | Extracted from facial cleanser paste | The Mn@NCNTs/PMS system can realize 50 wt % of MPs removal by assisting with hydrolysis | [150] |
ZnO nanorod photocatalysts | Photocatalytic degradation | Fragmented LDPE MPs residues | N/A | [151] |