Table 1.
Description of the methods adopted to analyze CCNFSDUa participation.
Analysis | Method |
Participation percentage by groupb | Number of participants in each group divided by the total number of participants |
Participation percentage by group and by the Codex Alimentarius Regions | Countries were grouped according to the Codex geographic regions (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, North America and South West Pacific, and the Middle East), and each region percentage was calculated based on the group |
Private interest participants' percentage in member countries delegations | Private interest participants' rate per year was calculated for each country. Moreover, the average ratio for the years analyzed and aggregate private interest rates for participants were calculated, considering each country investigated during the second year |
Total participants by interest group | Private interest (commercial associations participants and food industry) and public interest (government sectors representatives, universities, scientific associations, defense of rights associations, humanitarian organizations, and intergovernmental and consumer organizations) participants were categorized. Absolute and relative frequencies were calculated for each of the groups per year studied. These values were also averaged for the total number of years studied |
Actors' participation percentage by groupb | Each actor's group percentage was calculated according to the four group categories of attendance at the 11 sessions that took place during the period. The software Adobe® Illustrator version 25.2.3 was used for figure development. The figure was constructed in a circle layout, where each frame represented one group according to the attendance at the 11 sessions that took place during the period. Each color represented the actors involved in the process. Frames were introduced to display the number of actors in each meeting's attendance grouping |
Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses.
Group A: Members attending at least nine sessions.
Group B: Members attending 6–8 sessions.
Group C: Members attending 3–5 sessions.
Group D: Members attending two sessions.