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. 2022 Nov 30;45(1):2356. doi: 10.4102/curationis.v45i1.2356


Demographic data of the key informants.

Pseudonym Age in years Gender Traditional practice Years of practice
Ramabuli 82 Male Traditional leader, initiation schools (vhusha, domba and musevhetho) 48
Muofhe 59 Female Traditional healer, initiation school conductor (vhusha, domba and musevhetho) 27
Maitele 71 Male Traditional healer, circumcision school (murundu) 31
Maano 75 Male Traditional healer, circumcision school (murundu) 54
Ndiafhi 54 Male Traditional healer, circumcision school (murundu) 42
Nyambeni 80 Male Traditional healer, circumcision school (murundu) 49
Khedzi 70 Male Traditional leader, initiation schools (vhusha, domba and musevhetho) 41
Masiagwala 73 Male Traditional leader, initiation schools (vhusha, domba and musevhetho) 33
Razwinani 49 Male Traditional leader, initiation schools (vhusha and domba) 28