Figure 2. Global gene expression analysis reveals molecular changes in slow‐ and fast‐cycling epidermal stem cells during aging.
APrincipal component analysis map describes the transcriptomic clustering of label‐retaining cells (LRCs) and non‐label retaining cells (nLRCs) constructed from threefold differentially expressed genes among 2‐month‐ (N = 3) and 2‐year‐old (N = 3) mice.
BTable summarizes the number of signature genes in young LRCs versus nLRCs and their respective changes in 2‐year‐old tail skin.
C, DGene ontology (GO) analysis obtained from ≥twofold differentially regulated genes (P < 0.05) in 2‐year‐old nLRCs compared with 2‐month‐old mice.
EHeatmap shows basal and suprabasal signature genes of epidermal stem cells and HFSCs (Ge et al, 2020) in 2‐month‐old versus 2‐year‐old nLRCs. Scale bar reflects Z‐score. IFE, interfollicular epidermis; HF, hair follicle; HFSCs, hair follicle stem cells.
FSchematic of fibulin 7 protein structure.
GFbln7 gene expression in 2‐month‐ versus 2‐year‐old nLRCs. N = 3 mice per group (t‐test). *P < 0.05. Data show mean ± SD.
H, IFibulin 7 immunostaining in 2‐month‐ versus 2‐year‐old tail section (H) and its intensity quantification per basal epidermal stem cell/basement membrane (normalized to 2‐month‐old) (I). Dotted box areas were enlarged in the lower panels. White arrows indicate fibulin 7 basement membrane staining. Scale bar: 50 μm. Data show mean ± SD. **P < 0.01 (Mann–Whitney test). N = 7 mice per age group (biological replicates).