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. 2022 Oct 17;23(12):e54720. doi: 10.15252/embr.202254720

Figure EV1. In vivo interactome of ROW.

Figure EV1

  • A
    Western blot for flies expressing endogenous FLAG‐tagged ROW (ROW‐TAG) with αROW antibody was used to verify that the tagging does not affect ROW protein levels. αTubulin (TUB) antibody was used as a reference. Het, Heterozygotes; Hom, Homozygotes for tagged ROW.
  • B
    Proteins co‐purified with ROW in at least two of the three experiments that were also not detected in the control experiments. IBAQ (Accurate Label‐Free Protein Quantitation) reflects the protein abundance in the sample. Peptide number is the number of Razor and unique peptides. The data are the mean of control (W1118, n = 3) and ROW‐FLAG flies (n = 3) samples.
  • C
    Protein–protein interactions that are supported by previous studies. The interactions are based on the molecular interaction search tool (MIST; Hu et al, 2018). The PZG (Z4) protein (circled in green) was not co‐purified with ROW in our study but was found previously to interact with ROW (Guruharsha et al, 2011; Kessler et al, 2015) and may connect the two complexes we identified to interact with ROW.

Source data are available online for this figure.