Expansion of terpenoid synthesis genes in G. coronaria. (a) Synthesis pathway of terpenoid precursor IPP from MVA and MEP/DOXP, and monoterpenoids 8-oxocitronellyl enol and isopiperitenone. The full names of abbreviated enzymes are given in Supplementary Tables S14 and S15. (b) Gene copy number of isopiperitenol dehydrogenase and 8-oxocitronellyl enol synthase in six Asteroideae species A. annua (Aann), C. seticuspe (Cset), E. canadensis (Ecan), G. coronaria (Gcor), H. annuus (Hann), and S. rebaudiana (Sreb). (c) Phylogeny tree of isopiperitenol dehydrogenase gene in Asteroideae species Aann, Cset, Ecan, and Gcor (highlighted in red). (d) Phylogeny tree of 8-oxocitronellyl enol synthase gene in Asteroideae species Aann, Cset, Ecan, Gcor (highlighted in red), Hann, and Sreb. Phylogeny tree was constructed using FastTree with the multiple protein sequence alignment generated by Muscle. Branch lengths indicate the phylogenetic distances (number of substitutions per amino acid site), and integers at internodes refer to the percent of bootstraps supporting the corresponding splits.