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. 2022 Dec 6;17(12):e0278558. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278558

Table 6. Correlations of Involvement with the gay community with body image disturbance facets, eating disorder pathology and body dysmorphic disorder pathology.

Variable Involvement with the gay community scale (IGCS)
Gay men (n = 112)
ρ p
Perceptual body image disturbance
    BIG-O–Discrepancy current—ideal body fat -.007 .938
    BIG-O–Discrepancy current—ideal muscularity -.073 .444
Cognitive-affective body image disturbance
    BAS .005 .960
    DLS .070 .464
    DMS–cognitions -.112 .242
    DTS .045 .637
Behavioral body image disturbance
    BICSI–appearance fixing .001 .989
    BISCI–avoidance -.033 .726
    GNBCQ .070 .466
    DMS–behavior .053 .578
Overall body image disturbance
    BIDQ .005 .957
Eating disorder pathology
    EDE-Q total score .079 .409
    EDE-Q–restraint .057 .554
    EDE-Q–eating concern .004 .969
    EDE-Q–weight concern .040 .679
    EDE-Q–shape concern .084 .378
Body dysmorphic disorder pathology
    DCQ .006 .954

Note. BIG-O = Bodybuilder Image Grid-Original; BICSI = Body Image Coping Strategies Inventory; BIDQ = Body Image Disturbance Questionnaire; DLS = Drive for Leanness Scale; DMS = Drive for Muscularity Scale; DTS = Drive for Thinness Scale; EDE-Q = Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire; GNBCQ = Gender-Neutral Body Checking Questionnaire; EDS = The Everyday Discrimination Scale.