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. 2022 Jun 20;2(1):e96. doi: 10.1017/ash.2022.226

Table 2.

Association of 30 Days Mortality With Patient Characteristics, Site of Infection and Hospital Location With Infections Secondary to MDR P. aeruginosa From Hamad Medical Corporation Between October 2014 and September 2017

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sum of 3 Years
Characteristics 30-Day Mortality No Mortality Total % of 30-Day Mortality 30-Day Mortality No Mortality Total % of 30-Day Mortality 30-Day Mortality No Mortality Total % of 30-Day Mortality 30-Day Mortality No Mortality Total % of 30-Day Mortality P Value
Age group
Pediatric, <14 y 0 12 12 0 0 10 10 0 1 13 14 7.1 1 35 36 2.8 .069*
Adult, 14–65 y 5 127 132 3.8 7 98 105 6.7 5 66 71 7.0 17 291 308 5.5
Geriatric, >65 y 3 58 61 4.9 7 55 62 11.3 10 48 58 17.2 20 161 181 11.0
Male 7 147 154 4.5 12 122 134 9.0 9 98 107 8.4 28 367 395 7.1 .818*
Female 1 50 51 2.0 2 41 43 4.7 7 29 36 19.4 10 120 130 7.7
Intensive care unit 7 97 104 6.7 11 55 66 16.7 12 24 36 33.3 30 176 206 14.6 <.001*
Inpatient 1 47 48 2.1 3 29 32 9.4 4 26 30 13.3 8 102 110 7.3
Outpatient 0 53 53 0 0 79 79 0 0 77 77 0 0 209 209 0
Isolation site
Respiratory 4 88 92 4.3 8 79 87 9.2 4 51 55 7.3 16 218 234 6.8 <.001
Skin and soft tissue 2 52 54 3.7 4 35 39 10.3 7 35 42 16.7 13 122 135 9.6
Urine 0 48 48 0 1 40 41 2.4 1 36 37 2.7 2 124 126 1.6
Blood 2 3 5 40 1 4 5 20 2 4 6 33.3 5 11 16 31.3
Sterile body fluid and others 0 6 6 0 0 5 5 0 2 1 3 66.7 2 12 14 14.3
Common associated underlying conditions
Extensive healthcare contact a 8 182 190 4.2 14 156 170 8.2 16 122 138 11.6 38 460 498 7.6
History of antibiotic exposure within 90 d 8 167 175 4.6 13 131 144 9 16 104 120 13.3 37 402 439 8.4
Invasive device b 8 134 142 5.6 14 116 130 10.8 15 62 77 19.5 37 312 349 10.6
Diabetes mellitus 6 91 97 6.2 9 72 81 11.1 13 73 86 15.1 28 236 264 10.6
History of MDR infection or colonization within prior 90 d 4 120 124 3.2 7 105 112 6.3 12 81 93 12.9 23 306 329 7
Isolation of prior susceptible P. aeruginosa 5 122 127 3.9 9 94 103 8.7 8 64 72 11.1 22 280 302 7.3
Coinfection with other microorganism c 1 51 52 1.9 5 61 66 7.6 8 39 47 17 14 151 165 8.5
Malignancy 1 34 35 2.9 3 20 23 13 2 14 16 12.5 6 68 74 8.1
End-stage renal disease 2 26 28 7.1 3 20 23 13 5 26 31 16.1 10 72 82 12.2
Renal stones 0 20 20 0 0 14 14 0 2 17 19 10.5 2 51 53 3.8
Heart failure 4 18 22 18.2 2 9 11 18.2 3 16 19 15.8 9 43 52 17.3
Cystic fibrosis 0 12 12 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 18 0
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2 13 15 13.3 2 19 21 9.5 0 7 7 0 4 39 43 9.3
Chronic lung disease 1 13 14 7.1 4 44 48 8.3 1 15 16 6.3 6 72 78 7.7
Post transplantation 0 7 7 0 0 4 4 0 1 1 2 50 1 12 13 7.7
Chronic liver disease 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 100 1 4 5 20
Neutropenic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
Total 8 197 205 3.9 14 163 177 7.9 16 127 143 11.2 38 487 525 7.2

Extensive healthcare contact involves regular visits to outpatient medical facilities, regular home visit by home care teams, hospitalization within the preceding 90 days, or residency in a long-term care facility.


Invasive devices involves exposure to breast implant, central line, colostomy bag, cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable cardioverter defibrillator, double J stent (ureteral stent), external ventricular drain, external fixation of the pelvis, Foley catheter, internal drain, inferior vena cava filter, mechanical ventilator, nephrostomy, nasogastric tube, peritoneal dialysis catheter, permanent pacemaker, right upper abdomen drain, suprapubic catheter, surgical drain, tibial artery stent, tracheotomy tube and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt.


Coinfection are associated with the following organisms: Achromoba xylosoxidans, Bacteroid fragilis, Bacteroid vugatus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus fecalis, Candida glaberata, Candida spp, Candida tropicalis, Citrobacter froundi, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumonia, K. oxytoca, Proteus mirabilis, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, Serratia marcescenes, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Streptococcus group C.


Pearson χ2 test of association.

Fisher exact test.