Figure 1.
Time course of CBP, DPK and CPK loss and appearance of respective alcohol metabolites CBPOH, BADPK and CPKOH in rt binding cytosols exposed for 20 h (4°C) to 20 nmole (−4 log M; 100μM) or 200 nmole (−3 log M;1000μM) of the chemical per vial. Results are displayed in nmole/vial of parent and metabolite in a) 20 nmole exposure, and b) 200 nmole exposures. In absence of a Std, CBPOH measurements were semi-quantitative. Symbols represent the mean ± SD of two technical replicates from a single experiment. Symbols: CBP (∎, solid line), CBPOH (∎, dashed line); DPK (●, solid line), BADPK (●, dotted line); CPK (▲, solid line), CPKOH (▲, dash-dot line).