Functional antibody responses correlate with antibody binding to the ancestral SARS-CoV-2 S protein
(A) Correlation between S1-specific binding antibodies measured by Liaison and S-specific binding antibodies measured by ELISA.
(B) Correlation between neutralizing antibodies and S-specific binding antibodies measured by ELISA
(C) Correlation between NK cell degranulation mediating S-specific antibodies (ADCC) and S-specific antibody binding measured by ELISA.
(D) Correlation between phagocytosis-mediating antibody titers (ADCP) and S-specific binding antibodies as measured by ELISA. Colors represent different booster groups: no boost (grey), Ad26.COV2.S boost (red), mRNA-1273 boost (green), and BNT162b2 boost (blue). Symbols represent individual donors post-booster vaccination (n = 15 per group). Simple linear regression analysis on log-transformed data was used to calculate Spearman’s correlation coefficient and p-values.