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. 2022 Dec 6;12:21073. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-25300-4

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of study group (n = 140).

Characteristic Value Percentage†
Age at time of surgery, mean ± SD in years (range) 43.2 ± 10.6 (24–69) NA
Medical history
Autoimmune, rheumatologic or connective tissue disease* 11 7.9%
Other immune mediated diseases** 4 2.9%
Functional somatic syndromes*** 7 5.0%
Thyroid disease♣ 11 7.9%
Cardiovascular disease♣♣ 9 6.4%
Respiratory disease♣♣♣ 11 7.9%
Gastrointestinal disease*♣ 9 6.4%
Skin disease**♣ 6 4.3%
Musculoskeletal disease*♣♣ 7 5.0%
Malignancy♣♣* 6 4.3%
Psychiatric/psychological disorders♦ 14 10.0%
Headaches♦♦ 8 5.7%
Other♦♦♦ 11 7.9%
Corticosteroids 3 2.1%
Antihistamines 7 5.0%
Analgesics 8 5.7%
Biologicals 2 1.4%
Levothyroxine 8 5.7%
Statins 2 1.4%
Inhalers 9 6.4%
Proton pump inhibitors 8 5.7%
Tryptans 5 3.6%
Antidepressants 14 10.0%
Benzodiazepines 8 5.7%
Others° 15 11.7%
Allergies 57 40.7%
Lifestyle factors / intoxications
Alcohol (mild; 0–1 unit/day) 32 22.9%
Alcohol (severe; 1–2 or more /day) 7 5%
Smoking 12 8.6%
Drugs (at least monthly) 3 2.1%

*SLE, Sarcoidosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, Lichen planus, Lichen sclerosus, Ehlers-Danlos, Vitiligo. **IgA deficiency, ITP, Still's disease, polyclonal IgM Syndrome. ***CFS, FM. ♣Hypo/hyperthyroidism. ♣♣Hypertension, Hypercholesterolaemia, Palpitations. ♣♣♣Asthma, COPD, rhinitis, sinusitis. *♣IBS, Ulcerating colitis, GERD. **♣Eczema, psoriasis, Lichen planus, Lichen sclerosus. *♣♣Arthritis, Disc herniation. ♣♣* Of which 2 breastcancer♦Depression, Burnout, ADHD, anorexia/bulimia. ♦♦Migraine, Tension headaches.♦♦♦Insomnia, CVA, braincyst, Lyme's disease, adverse reaction to dermatologic filler, Poland syndrome, Osteoporosis, polyneuropathy. °Of which 5 hormone replacement therapy and 1 methotrexate. †Percentage over total SBI population (n = 140). NA = Not applicable. Missing values for medication = 3, allergies = 7, lifestyle factors = 9.