Fig. 3. Counterfactual analysis in 2017.
a Second administrative level reductions in combined DALY rates b Map of second administrative units in Nigeria whose averted combined DALYs exceeded 10,000, the primary component of the local composition of burden is plotted. Units where the combined DALYs averted were less than 10,000 are plotted as white. Units with dark purple have greater than 60% of their averted combined burden attributable to malaria. Units coloured light purple or blue have between 50% and 60% of their averted combined burden attributable to malaria or LRIs, respectively. Units coloured yellow have no dominant cause (no cause’s contribution exceeds 50%). Units which are shaded dark brown have all causes represented in their averted combined burden with percentages between 20% and 40%. Maps were produced using ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.