Fig. 1. Beta-diversity is linked with ethnic differences in depressive symptom scores.
A Beta-diversity predicting PHQ9 depression. It presents results of linear regression analyses that model β-diversity as a predictor of depressive symptom levels. Panel (A) horizontal bars present ΔR2 after progressive adjustments for confounders (models 1a to 3), and respectively without and with ethnicity included in each regression model. B Ethnicity predicting PHQ9 depression. It presents results of linear regression in which β-diversity is modeled as a mediator of the association between ethnicity and depressive symptom levels (see lower figure). Bars present ΔR2 the prediction of PHQ9 by ethnicity after progressive adjustments (models 1a to 3). Blue bars present ΔR2 without β diversity incorporated as a mediator in the model, and the orange bars present ΔR2 when mediation is assumed. The % in the table (right) indicate the attenuation of the direct effect by mediation. Regression models: We used two-sided linear regression analyses, no adjustments were made for multiple comparisons. Model 1a adjusted for age and gender; Model 1b added education; Model 2 further added behavioral factors (alcohol, smoking, exercise, BMI); Model 3 added GI disease, Diabetes, PPI use, Recent antibiotics, Diarrhea. All ΔR2 p ≤ 0.001, except for ethnicity-inclusive Model 3 (p = 0.023).