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. 2022 Dec 6;13:7508. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35279-1

Fig. 1. Structural architecture and ion coordination in the Cl pathway of CLC channels and transporters.

Fig. 1

Close up view of the Cl permeation pathway in CLC-ec1 (PDB: 1OTS, A), bCLC-k (PBD: 5TQQ, B) and CLC-1 (PDB: 6COY, C). The position of the external (Sext), central (Scen) and internal (Sint) binding sites is identified based on the crystal structure of CLC-ec131. Bound Cl ions are shown as green spheres. No ions were resolved in the bCLC-k structure33. Dashed lines indicate hydrogen bonds between the Cl ions and side chains (red) or backbone amides (black)31,34. Representative current traces of WT and proline mutants at Sercen in CLC-0 (D), bCLC-k (E) and hCLC-1 (F). Dashed lines indicate the 0 current level. Scale bars indicate 2 µA and 10 ms. G The relative permeability ratios for Br, NO3 and I of CLC-0 (WT and S123P), bCLC-k (WT and S121P) and hCLC-1 (WT and S189P). Data are Mean ± St.Dev. of n > 4 repeats from N ≥ 3 independent oocyte batches, individual data points are shown as cyan circles. The statistical significance of the effects of the mutants on the permeability ratios of each ion (indicated by *) was evaluated with a one-sided Student’s t-test with a Bonferroni correction (see Methods). Mean values and p-values are reported in Supplementary Table 1. Individual data points are shown grouped by ion in Supplementary Fig. 5. Raw data for DG and Fig. 2B, C is included in the Source Data Files.