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. 2022 Winter;21(4):ar62. doi: 10.1187/cbe.21-12-0332


Descriptive statistics of all variables from the treatment group (online training) and the comparison group (face-to-face training)

Categorical variables Online Face-to-face All
N % N % N %
 Well represented 9 5.9 430 65.6 439 54.4
 Historically excluded 139 91.4 150 22.9 289 35.8
 Prefer not to answer 4 2.6 75 11.5 79 9.8
 Female 82 53.9 326 49.8 408 50.6
 Male 62 40.8 253 38.6 315 39.0
 Other 3 2.0 2 0.3 5 0.6
 Prefer not to answer 2 1.3 12 1.8 14 1.7
 Faculty member 59 38.8 217 33.1 276 34.2
 Graduate student 50 32.9 223 34.0 273 33.8
 Postdoc 22 14.5 83 12.7 105 13.0
 Researcher or scientist 12 7.9 63 9.6 75 9.3
 Other 8 5.3 56 8.5 64 7.9
Mentor’s previous mentoring experience
 Yes 29 19.1 76 11.6 105 13.0
 No 109 71.7 322 49.2 431 53.4
Facilitator effectiveness
 Very effective 80 52.6 282 43.1 362 44.9
 Effective 52 34.2 163 24.9 215 26.6
 Neither 6 3.9 16 2.4 22 2.7
 Ineffective 6 0.9 6 0.7
 Very ineffective 3 0.5 3 0.4
Mentee’s career stage
 Faculty 13 8.6 213 32.5 226 28.0
 Graduate student 57 37.5 257 39.2 314 38.9
 Undergraduate student 134 88.2 233 35.6 367 45.5
 None 1 0.7 29 4.4 30 3.7
Continuous variables Online Face-to-face All
N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD
 Dosage 152 7.36 0.94 655 8.58 1.34 807 8.35 1.36
 Mentor’s years of experience 138 7.19 7.59 409 7.47 8.61 547 7.40 8.36
Outcome measures
 Mentoring skill gains 130 1.01 0.59 545 0.87 0.71 675 675 0.89
 Overall quality gains 128 1.14 0.68 404 1.17 0.87 532 532 1.16
 Meeting expectation gains 129 0.91 0.80 357 0.93 0.90 486 486 0.92
 Intended changes 138 1.07 0.25 418 1.06 0.23 556 556 1.06

aThe race/ethnicity variable was computed using the original racial and ethnic categories. Well-represented racial/ethnic group includes participants who reported as White or Asian, and not Hispanic. Historically excluded racial/ethnic group contains mentors who reported as any of the following racial and ethnic categories: 1) American Indian or Alaska Native, 2) Black or African American, 3) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, 4) other, and 5) any Hispanic or Latino group.