Table 1.
Summary of the effects of fluid mechanical stimuli on the early stages of angiogenesis. Effects are listed as positive for angiogenesis when increased. The first column shows the reviewed mechanical cues: LF, luminal flow; TF, transmural flow; IF, interstitial flow; P, pressure; PF, pulsatile flow. The second column further subdivides the stimuli to improve readability: AB, apical-to-basal; BA, basal-to-apical; Up/Contra, upstream of the original vessel/contradirectional to the sprout; Down/Co, downstream of the original vessel/codirectional to the sprout; HP, hydrostatic pressure; IP, interstitial pressure; τ shear; P, pressure. Colour code: presence (black), low (blue)/physiological (brown)/high (purple), but for pulsatile flow where non-reversing (pink)/reversing (green)/oscillatory (dark blue). Symbols: ? no information, ↑ increase, ↓ decrease, × contradictory effects, - no effect/minor effect, ⊲ gradient, → preferred direction. Striped background means hypothesis. Growing arrows imply magnitude correlation. In each cell, values of the stimulus increase from top to bottom.
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