Fig. 8. Expressions of leuO and hns are antagonized by each other.
Comparisons of transcriptional level of leuO (A) and hns (B) in wild-type V. vulnificus MO6-24/O, ΔleuO, Δhns, ΔleuOΔhns at early exponential phase (A600 = 0.5), late exponential phase (A600 = 1.0), and stationary phase (A600 = 2.0). Overnight culture cells were sub-cultured into LB medium and grown to each phase. RNA levels were quantified by qRT-PCR using primers shown in Table 2S. Comparative threshold cycle (ΔCt) method was employed for quantification, and RNA-fold change was normalized to the value for MO6-24/O. The data are average values from three independent samples, and error bars denote the standard deviations.