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. 2021 Jun 22;63(10):577–584. doi: 10.11622/smedj.2021083

Table 2.

Staff exposure risk assessment guide.

Personal protective equipment Exposure risk For 14 days following exposure to suspected/confirmed case

Exposed staff Suspected/confirmed COVID-19 patient Twice-daily temperature and symptom monitoring Home isolation
None None Face-to-face conversation >5 min Yes Yes

None Surgical mask, properly worn Face-to-face conversation >5 min Yes No

Surgical mask, properly worn None Face-to-face conversation >5 min Yes No - risk assessment to be individualised (e.g. consider home isolation if high risk for eye mucous membrane exposure, e.g., patient coughs into staff member’s face)

Surgical mask, properly worn Surgical mask, properly worn Face-to-face conversation >5 min Yes No

Not wearing, at minimum, a mask-fitted N95 mask + eye protection NA Aerosol-generating procedures (e.g. using rotatory instruments in dental operatory) Yes Yes

At minimum, a mask-fitted N95 + eye protection NA Aerosol-generating procedures (e.g. using rotatory instruments in dental operatory) Yes No

Home isolation refers to self-quarantine issued by the hospital. NA: not applicable