Figure 7.
Correlation matrices at longitudinal time points. Multi-variable correlations between treatment dose, HbA1c, and immunologically relevant parameters. The size and color intensity denote the strength of the positive (blue) or negative (red) correlation; larger and darker, respectively, are stronger. Correlation scale ranges from 1 to -1 (perfect positive & negative, respectively). Grey used to represent missing data. Correlations of parameters previously identified by X were evaluated using Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient given the sample size and rank order nature of the method. In doing so, we applied a continuity correction since there were ties present in the data. All available patient data was used to determine correlation values. The R (build 3.6.3) package corrplot (version 0.84) was used to perform the analysis and visualize the results. All p-values are 2-sided. White asterisks indicate *p<0.05.