Extended Data Fig. 4. Effects of silencing sensory neuron terminals in the DCN using Acr1 on the response properties of identified projection neurons.
Juxtacellular recording of example VPL-PN (left column) and a vibration-tuned IC-PN (right column) in AvilCre; Rosa26LSL-Acr1 animals. In this experiment direct LTMR input is silenced. Mechanical stimuli were applied to the center of the receptive field. On some trials, light (550 nm, 0.46 mW/mm2) was applied to the surface of the brainstem using a fiber optic (400 µm diameter, 1 mm away). The light was ramped over the course of 300–400 ms, and mechanical stimuli were delivered in the last 100–200 ms of light. Trials were interleaved but are sorted here for presentation. One identified VPL-PN unit and one identified IC-PN was collected from two different animals. a–c, A DCN unit antidromically activated from the VPL. This unit did not fire in response to high-frequency (>300 Hz) vibration, even at high forces. a, Top: Traces of single control and silencing trials. A 100 ms, 50 Hz, 10 mN vibration was applied. Timing of light delivery is denoted by a green ramp. Middle: Raster of trials for 50 Hz vibration. Control and light trials are separated by a dashed green line. Bottom: Average histogram for this unit when light was off (Control) or on (+Light). Time 0 is the onset of vibration. Bins are 1 ms. b, Same unit as in a, but for a 200 ms 10 Hz 10 mN vibration. c, Same unit as in a and b, but for a 200 ms 10 mN indentation. d-f, A DCN unit that was antidromically activated from the IC. This unit entrained to 300 Hz vibratory stimuli and had a large receptive field. d, Top: Traces of single control and silencing trials. A 100 ms, 300 Hz, 10 mN vibration was applied. Middle: Raster of trials for 300 Hz vibration. Control and light trials are separated by a dashed green line. Bottom: Average histogram for this unit when light was off (Control) or on (+Light). Time 0 is the onset of vibration. Bins are 1 ms. e, Same unit as in d, but for a 200 ms 10 Hz 10 mN vibration. f, Same unit as in d and e, but for a 200 ms 10 mN indentation.