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. 2022 Dec 8;11:100468. doi: 10.1016/j.jafr.2022.100468

Table 1.

Characteristics of study participants.

Characteristics Frequency (n = 1159) Percent (%)
Age in years
 15-19 69 6.0
 20-35 905 78.1
 >35 185 16.0
Spouse’s/partner's age in years
 15-19 14 1.2
 20-35 797 68.8
 >35 348 30.0
 Rural 815 70.3
 Urban 344 29.7
Marital status
 Married 604 52.1
 Cohabiting 471 40.6
 Single 84 7.2
Level of education
 No formal education 108 9.3
 Primary 689 59.4
 Secondary 297 25.6
 Tertiary 65 5.6
Spouse/partner's level of education
 No formal education 107 9.2
 Primary 703 60.7
 Secondary 256 22.1
 Tertiary 93 8.0
Ownership of the house
 Own house 702 60.6
 Rented house 419 36.2
 Others 38 3.3
Main Source of household income
 Employed/Monthly income 285 24.6
 Business 175 15.1
 Farmer 645 55.7
 Others 54 4.7
Socio-class category
 Category 1 199 17.2
 Category 2 591 51.0
 Category 3 369 31.8
Alcohol Use
 Yes 249 21.5
 No 910 78.5
Smoking status
 Yes 13 1.1
 No 1146 98.9
Spouse/partner's smoking status
 Yes 81 7.0
 No 1078 93.0
 Primi-gravida 469 40.5
 One 270 23.3
 Two 169 14.6
 Three 110 9.5
 Four 63 5.4
 Five and above 78 6.7
HIV status
 Positive 27 2.3
 Negative 1132 97.7
Other chronic diseases
 Yes 50 4.3
 No 1109 95.7