Did you worry that your household would not have enough food? |
403(34.8) |
756(65.2) |
104(9.0) |
225(19.4) |
74(6.4) |
Were you or any household member not able to eat the kinds of foods you preferred because of a lack of resources? |
517(44.6) |
642(55.4) |
108(9.3) |
301(26.0) |
108(9.3) |
Did you or any household member have to eat a limited variety of foods due to a lack of resources? |
465(40.1) |
694(59.9) |
113(9.7) |
268(23.1) |
84(7.2) |
Did you or any household member have to eat some foods that you really did not want to eat because of a lack of resources to obtain other types of food? |
536(46.2) |
623(53.8) |
136(11.7) |
296(25.5) |
104(9.0) |
Did you or any household member have to eat a smaller meal than you felt you needed because there was not enough food? |
441(38.1) |
718(61.9) |
114(9.8) |
245(21.1) |
82(7.1) |
Did you or any other household member have to eat fewer meals in a day because there was not enough food? |
417(36.0) |
742(64.0) |
121(10.4) |
226(19.5) |
70(6.0) |
Was there ever no food to eat of any kind in your household because of lack of resources to get food? |
287(24.8) |
872(75.2) |
80(6.9) |
166(14.3) |
41(3.5) |
Did you or any household member go to sleep at night hungry because there was not enough food? |
215(18.6) |
944(81.4) |
79(6.8) |
117(10.1) |
19(1.6) |
Did you or any household member go a whole day and night without eating anything because there was not enough food? |
155(13.4) |
1004(86.6) |
44(3.8) |
94(8.1) |
17(1.5) |