Table 1.
Radiological codes used for interpretation of follow-up chest CT and number of patients in each category
COVID-19: CO-ronaVI-rus d-isease 2019, CT: computed tomography, FU: follow-up.
GROUP | CODE | DESCRIPTION | N (%) Tot.220 |
0 | [0–0] | Without COVID-19 pneumonia (chest CT signs of pneumonia absent at baseline and absent at FU) | 11 (5%) |
1 | [1–0] | COVID-19 pneumonia resolution (chest CT signs of pneumonia present at baseline and absent at FU) | 91 (41,4%) |
2 | [1–01] | Resolution and new findings (CT chest CT signs of COVID-19 pneumonia present at baseline and resolved but present elsewhere at FU | 11 (5%) |
3 | [1–11] | Stable (chest CT signs of COVID-19 pneumonia present at baseline and present unchanged at FU) | 4 (1,8%) |
4 | [1–10] | Resolving pneumonia (CT chest signs of COVID-19 pneumonia present at baseline and reduced at FU) | 85 (38,6%) |
5 | [1–12] | Worsened (CT chest CT signs of COVID-19 pneumonia present at baseline and increased at FU) | 0 |
6 | [0–1] | Onset (chest CT signs of COVID-19 pneumonia absent at baseline and present at FU) | 0 |
7 | [x-0] | Absence (chest CT not performed at baseline and no signs of COVID-19 pneumonia at FU) | 10 (4,5%) |
8 | [x-11] | Missing / finding (chest CT not performed at baseline and signs of COVID-19 pneumonia present at FU) | 5 (3,7%) |