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Relationship between the course of infection and antibody assays in malaria-naive, -exposed, and/or -rechallenged animals

Monkey no. Prepatent period (days) % Peak parasitemiaa Day of cure
Course of previous infection Course of this infection Prechallenge sera
Secondary processing assaye
1st 2nd Dayb % Parasitemia % Hematocrit ImFc ELISAd 1st 2nd
19 None 2581 13 0.05 Protected Protected >106 1/100,000 ++ ++
19 None 2582f 18 0.05 Protected Protected >106 1/200,000 +++ +++
19 None 2586 13 0.05 Protected Protected >106 1/500,000 ++(+) +++
19 None 2578 15 0.05 Anemic Protected 105 1/70,000 ++(+) +++
19 None 2593 14 0.1 Virulent Self-resolved 106 1/32,000 +/− +/−
19 None 2572 7 0.4 Virulent Self-resolved 105 1/16,000 +/− +/−
None 19 2592 19 0.05 Virulent Protected 105 1/350,000 ++ ++
TBVg None T562 9 0.8 21 0 24 Virulent Anemic 104 1/1,000
None None 2570 6 5.3 12 5.3 41 Virulent Virulent 104
New 19 2573 16 0.2 Self-resolved 105 1/350,000 +/− ++
New TBV 2575 6 10.9 12 10.9 37 Virulent 103 1/8,000 ND ND
New TBV 2589 7 5.5 12 5.5 41 Virulent 104 1/1000 ND ND

Parasitemia of 0.05% indicates that a total of one or two parasites were seen in the 50 high-power light microscopy fields of a blood smear. 


ImF, immunofluorescence for pRBCs. 


ELISA titration on P30P2MSP-119; titers giving an OD of 1, which is on the linear part of the titration curve. 


Secondary processing assay: −, no detectable processing inhibition; +/−, just-detectable inhibition; +, significant inhibition; ++, strong inhibition; +++, apparently complete inhibition. 


Monkey 2582 died on day 20 due to heart seizure (not malaria related). 


TBV, TBV25H (see Materials and Methods).