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. 2022 Apr 20;8(6):622–632. doi: 10.1093/ehjcvp/pvac025

Table 1.

Characteristics of randomized controlled trials comparing effect of CETP inhibitor (CETPi) to placebo

Trial Enrollment Size Arm (n) Inclusion Diabetes at baseline (%) New-onset diabetes (n) New-onset diabetes criteria
Study Year Drug Type sites Duration (n) Treatment Criteria
CETPi Placebo CETPi Placebo CETPi Placebo CETPi Placebo
ILLUMINATE9 2007 Torcetrapib R, DB, PC, P 221 sites in NA, Eu, Aus 4.5y 15067 7533 7534 60 mg CETPi with Atorvastatin Placebo with Atorvastatin 45–75 yo with history CVD 1–5 mo prior or T2DM who met ADA criteria or on hypoglycemic therapy 43.5 45.2 76 96 Not reported.
Dal-OUTCOMES12 2012 Dalcetrapib R, DB, PC, P 27 countries in NA, Eu, Asia, Aus 31 mos* 15871 7938 7933 600 mg CETPi with Standard of Care Placebo with Standard of Care >45 yo with recent ACS, has completed planned coronary revascularization procedures 24 25 403 516 Post-randomization diabetes-related adverse event, new use of antihyperglycaemic medication, haemoglobin A1c ≥6.5%, or a combination of at least two measurements of serum glucose ≥7.0 mmol/L (fasting) or ≥11.1 mmol/L (random) for a person without evidence of diabetes mellitus at baseline.
ACCELERATE10 2017 Evacetrapib R, DB, PC, P 36 countries in NA, SA, Eu, Asia, Aus 26 mos* 12092 6038 6054 130 mg CETPi with Standard of Care Placebo with Standard of Care >18 yo with high risk vascular disease, treated with statin 1 month pre-screening 68.4 67.9 175 200 Fasting plasma glucose ≥7 mmol/L or 2-hour plasma glucose ≥11.1 mmol/L during an oral glucose tolerance test or HbA1c levels ≥6.5% (≥48 mmol/mol). Confirm by repeat testing on a second day.
REVEAL8 2017 Anacetrapib R, DB, PC, P 41 sites in NA, Eu, China 4.1 y 30449 15225 15224 100 mg CETPi with Atorvastatin Placebo with Atorvastatin >50 yo with high CV risk 37.1 37.2 510 571 Post-randomization diabetes-related adverse event or the use of antihyperglycaemic medication (insulin or oral treatment) recorded on at least one follow-up visit form for a person without evidence of diabetes mellitus at baseline.
DEFINE11 2010 Anacetrapib R, DB, PC, P 20 countries in NA, Eu, Asia, Aus 18 mos 1623 811 812 100 mg CETPi with Atorvastatin Placebo with Atorvastatin 18–80 yo with CHD or high risk of CHD 53 53.2 NA NA NA

R, randomised; DB, double-blind; PC, placebo-controlled; P, parallel; CO, crossover; NA, North America; Eu, Europe; Aus, Australia; SOC, Standard of Care; ADA, American Diabetes Association; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; CV, cardiovascular; CHD, coronary heart disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; T2DM, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.


Study was terminated at 1 year.

Standard of Care is statin therapy.