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. 2022 Nov 24;4:1033581. doi: 10.3389/frph.2022.1033581

Figure 5.

Figure 5

The SRC-3 dependent transcriptome in T-HESCs prior to receiving the deciduogenic hormone stimulus (A) the experimental design of the RNA-seq experiment showing that T-HESCs were transfected with NT or SRC-3 siRNAs for forty-eight hours prior to being harvested for total RNA isolation; note: T-HESCs did not receive the EPC medium. Cells were harvested from two wells of a six well plate for each replicate; two replicates per NT and SRC-3 siRNA treatment group were used for these RNA-seq experiments. (B) Heatmap of clustered genes with the same expression level differentially expressed (up or down) between the NT siRNA and SRC-3 siRNA groups. Using a FDR <0.05 and an IFCI > 1.5 cutoff, 226 genes were differentially expressed (73 down and 153 up) between the NT and SRC-3 siRNA groups. The 226 genes were clustered and displayed as a heat map, in which each horizontal row represents a single gene. Warmer and cooler colors (i.e. reds and blues respectively) represent higher and lower expression respectively: the vertical color key on the right indicates the color intensity with normalized expression values.