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. 2022 Oct 27;10(9):1008–1019. doi: 10.1002/ueg2.12325


Characteristics of the 12,932 colonoscopies performed in the study

Characteristics Study procedures (N = 12,932 colonoscopies)
Hospital—no. (%)
1 1306 (10.1)
2 1511 (11.7)
3 1067 (8.3)
4 188 (1.5)
5 397 (3.1)
6 1083 (8.4)
7 1882 (14.6)
8 119 (0.9)
9 1687 (13.0)
10 969 (7.5)
11 653 (5.0)
12 847 (6.5)
13 1223 (9.5)
Sex—no. (%)
Male 6703 (51.8)
Female 6229 (48.2)
Age—no. (%)
40–49 years 1426 (11.0)
50–59 years 3726 (28.8)
60–69 years 5097 (39.4)
70–80 years 2683 (20.8)
Indication—no. (%)
Gastrointestinal symptoms 5089 (39.4)
+FIT 4810 (37.2)
Post‐polypectomy surveillance 1967 (15.2)
Primary screening colonoscopy 1066 (8.2)
Preparation product—no. (%)
PEG 4L 3155 (24.4)
PEG 2L + ascorbate 4656 (36.0)
SPMC 5043 (39.0)
Other products 78 (0.6)
Time between preparation and colonoscopy—median (25th–75th percentiles) 4 (4–6)
Adequate colon cleansing rate—no. (%) 11,199 (86.6)
Cecal intubation rate—no. (%) 12,334 (95.4)
Withdrawal time—median (25th–75th percentiles), minutes 8 (6–10)
Sedation rate—no. (%) 11,983 (92.7)
Professional administering sedation—no. (%)
Endoscopist 9814 (81.9)
Anesthesiologist 1605 (13.4)
Other 564 (4.7)
Sedation regimen—no. (%)
Propofol sedation 8783 (73.3)
Conscious sedation 3200 (26.7)

Abbreviations: +FIT, positive fecal immunochemical test; PEG, polyethylene glycol; SPMC, sodium picosulfate with magnesium citrate.