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. 2022 Dec 9;23:336. doi: 10.1186/s12931-022-02256-7

Table 3.

Cluster analysis reproducing four clinical phenotypes

Reproduction cluster 1 Reproduction cluster 2 Reproduction cluster 3 Reproduction cluster 4
Number 37 14 32 39
Variables used in clustering*
Age in years 64 [57–71]** 55 [48–61] 65 [58–71.5] 63 [57–68]
Smoked PY 40 [25–53] 50 [30–66] 22 [5–35] 42 [30–57]
FEV1% pred 39 [30–52] 56 [51–79] 68 [62–80] 59 [49–72]
BMI kg/m2 21 [19–25] 26 [21–35] 28 [25–31] 29 [24–35]
mMRC dyspnoea score 2 [1–3] 3.5 [1–4] 1 [0.5–1.5] 1 [0–1]
CCQ total score 2.5 [2–3.2] 3.3 [2.8–4.3] 1.9 [1.3–2.7] 1.2 [0.7–2.4]
BDI-PC total score 1 [1–4] 9.5 [7–11] 1 [0–2.5] 1 [0–2]
Exacerbations p/y 1 [1–3] 1 [1–3] 2 [1–3] 0 [0–1]
Other patient and disease characteristics
Male/female % 46/54 71/29 47/53 59/41
FVC% pred 87 [72–101] 89 [77–105] 99 [91–115] 93 [75–108]
GOLD stage %
 1 0 21 25 10
 2 35 64 66 64
 3 46 7 9 26
 4 19 7 0 0
BOD score 4 [4–5] 5 [1–5] 2 [1–2] 2 [1–3]
Steps per day 5283 [3165–7116] 3032 [2277–3936] 5037 3416–6797] 5041 [3371–8371]
NCSI quality of life 19 [11–31] 57 [41–63] 14 [6–24] 12 [6–23]
NCSI satisfaction relationship 3 [2–5] 6 [4–7] 2 [2–3] 3 [2–4]
NCSI activities of daily living 22 [12–30] 18 [9–28] 17 [5–29] 12 [3–18]
NCSI shortness of breath 12 [10–17] 16 [12–20] 10 [8–15] 10 [7–13]
NCSI fatigue 42 [37–47] 49 [38–55] 39 [32–50] 38 [29–45]
Main corresponding ABCD groups
 A 8 (21) 3 (21) 6 (19) 30 (77)
 B 11 (30) 5 (36) 5 (16) 9 (23)
 C 7 (19) 1 (7) 18 (56) 0 (0)
 D 11 (30) 5 (36) 3 (9) 0 (0)

*Hierarchical clustering is performed based on PCA of eight variables: age, packyears, FEV1% pred, BMI, mMRC, CCQ, BDI-PC, exacerbation per year

**Data are presented as N (%) or median [25–75 interquartile], unless otherwise stated. PY packyears, FEV1% pred Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 s percentage predicted, FVC Forced Vital Capacity, BMI Body Mass Index, MMRC Modified Medical Research Council, CCQ Clinical COPD Questionnaire, BDI-PC Beck Depression Inventory for primary care. Definition of group A: mMRC < 2 and exacerbations < 2, group B: mMRC >  = 2 and exacerbations < 2, group C: mMRC < 2 and exacerbations >  = 2, group D: mMRC >  = 2 and exacerbations >  = 2