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. 2022 Nov 25;13:1002185. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1002185

Table 2.

Overview of components of food matrices which can mediate bacterial Quorum Sensing Inhibition (QSI) or related phenotypes, such as biofilm inhibition and sporulation.

Food component Examples QS system or phenotype affected Bacteria affected Concentration References
Organic acids Lactic acid AHL; Anti-biofilm Chromobacterium violaceum CV026; E. coli; Salmonella sp. 0.2–1% Amrutha, Sundar and Shetty, (2017)
Acetic acid AHL; Anti-biofilm C. violaceum CV026; E. coli; Salmonella sp. 1–1.5%
Citric acid AHL; Anti-biofilm C. violaceum CV026, E. coli; Salmonella sp. 1.5–2%
Malic acid AI-2 E. coli O157:H7; S. Typhimurium 4% Almasoud et al., (2016)
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) AHL P. aeruginosa 5–12·5 mg/ml El-Mowafy, Shaaban and Abd El Galil, (2014); Pandit et al., 2017)
Sporulation; AI-2 C. perfringens, 10 to 30 mM (sporulation);
300 mM (AI-2)
Novak and Fratamico, (2006)
AI-2 E. coli EMC17 125 mM Shivaprasad et al., (2021)
AIP (ComC) B. subtilis 10 to 40 mM Pandit et al., (2017)
Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFAs) Mono-unsaturated palmitoleic myristoleic acids AHL Acinetobacter baumannii 0.02 mg/ml Nicol et al., (2018)
Linoleic acid DSF P. aeruginosa 10 μM Kim et al., (2021)
Fatty acids produced by fungal endophyte of Coriandrum sativum Anti-biofilm S. mutans 31.3 mg/l Abdel-Aziz, Emam and Raafat, (2020)
Oleic acid (Cis-9-octadecenoic acid) Anti-biofilm S. aureus 0.1% v/v Stenz et al., (2008)
AHL C. violaceum CV026; 3.696 mg/ml Singh et al., (2013)
Palmitic acid (C16:0), Stearic acid (C18:0), Oleic acid (C18:1ω9), Linoleic acid (C18:2ω6) AI-2 V. harveyi, E. coli 1–10 mM Soni et al., (2008)
Endocannabinoids Endocannabinoid 2-AG (arachidonic acid derivative) AI-3 (via QseC) EHEC, Citrobacter rodentium Not quantified – 2-AG levels were elevated in intervention group via knockout of monoacylglycerol lipase (Mgll) Ellermann et al., (2021)
Furanones Brominated, halogenated and natural forms in seaweeds, tomatoes, strawberries and other berries; synthetic derivatives AHL P. aeruginosa 3.125–50 μM Colin Slaughter, (1999); Manefield et al., (1999); Proctor, McCarron and Ternan, (2020)
AI-2 Vibrio harveyi, Vibrio parahaemolyticus 20 mg/l Defoirdt et al., (2006)
Anti-biofilm S. Typhimurium; L. monocytogenes; 10 to 15 μM (S. Typhimurium); 0.05 mmol/l at 24 h, 2 mmol/l at 48 h (L. monocytogenes) Janssens et al., (2008); Rodríguez-López et al., (2019)
Coumarin Dihydrocoumarin Anti-biofilm Hafnia alvei 3.2 mM Hou et al., (2017)
AHL C. violaceum CV026 6.3 mM
Coumarin from Cinnamomum verum AHL P. aeruginosa (pqsA, rhlI, lasI) 1.36 mM Gutiérrez-Barranquero et al., (2015)
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin and derivatives AHL (LasR system) P. aeruginosa 200 μM (effective soluble concentration) Rajamani et al., (2008)
Steviol glycosides Steviol AHL (las / rhl systems) E. coli K802NR-pSB1075 (las); P. aeruginosa PAO-JP2 (pKD-rhlA) (rhl) 0.26–0.52 mM (las); 0.0325–0.52 mM (rhl) Markus et al., (2020)
Reb A 0.019375–0.31 mM (rhl)
Stevioside 0.5–1.0 mM (las); 1 mM (rhl)
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