Fig. 2. Topological force distribution around BIC in momentum space with untwisted PhCS.
BIC induces a force singular point (force zero, F = 0) at Γ point with topological distribution of optical force calculated by integrating MST surrounding a sphere 1000 nm above the PhCS for the (A) upper band and (B) lower band. (A) The upper band has optical forces converging toward the center, Γ point. (B) The lower band has optical forces radiating away from the center. Insets plot maps of the angle of the force vector ϕF(k) showing topological winding feature of optical force around BIC in momentum space. The converging and radiating force patterns are of rotation symmetry with a degree of 180. Lower-band Poynting vector and electric field profile around the nanosphere with (C) kx = 0, ky < 0 (D) kx < 0, ky = 0, (E) kx < 0, ky > 0, and (F) kx > 0, ky < 0. Here, E0 is equal to 1 × 106V/m. (G) Comparison between magnitude of the converging force with a 10 × 10 PhCS and without PhCS by shining a Gaussian beam with a frequency of 186 THz, a beam width of 287 nm, and a focal plane at z = 850 nm.