Table 1.
Different types of EBV vaccine studies.
Types | Antigen | Formulation | Ref. |
Subunit vaccine | gp350 | Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with Freund’s adjuvant or alum | 57,63 |
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with Alum | 55 | ||
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with GLA/SE | 62 | ||
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with ISCOMs | 72 | ||
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with SAF-1 or alum | 60 | ||
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with SAF-1 | 61,70 | ||
gp350 incorporated into liposomes | 58,59,71,74 | ||
Tetrameric and monomeric gp3501–470 + CpG and alum | 56 | ||
Fc-gp350 adjuvanted with CpG OND/Alum | 79 | ||
gB | Trimeric gB adjuvanted with CpG and alum | 84 | |
gH/gL | Trimeric and monomeric gH/gL adjuvanted with CpG and alum | 84 | |
/ | Glycoprotein complex | 83 | |
EBNA-1 | αDEC-205-EBNA-1 adjuvanted with poly(I:C) | 95 | |
Epitope vaccine | gp350 | CTL epitopes of gp350 and gH adjuvanted with TT and IFA | 67 |
DC vaccine | BZLF-1 | DCs transfected to express BZLF-1 | 98 |
DNA vaccine | gp350 | pCDNA3.1 plasmid encoding gp350 | 64 |
gp350 | plasmid of tetrameric gp3501–470 | 56 | |
mRNA vaccine | gH/gL/gp220/gp42 | mRNA-1189 (NCT05164094) | / |
Nanoparticle vaccine | gH/gL/gp42 | ferritin-gH/gL/gp42 + SAS | 85 |
gH/gL | ferritin-gH/gL + SAS | 85 | |
nanoparticle displaying 60 copies of gH/gL | 86 | ||
gp350 | ferritin-gp350 + SAS | 65 | |
gp350 | LS- or I3-01- gp350 domain I/II/III adjuvanted with MF59 | 66 | |
Virus-like particles (VLPs) | / | EBV-VLPs deleted EBNA-2, LMP-1, EBNA-3A, -B, -C and BZLF-1 | 102 |
/ | EBV-VLPs deleted BFLF-1/BFRF-1A or BBRF-1 | 103 | |
gp350/gB/gp42/gH/gL | NDV-VLPs-gp350, gB, gp42, gH and gL | 87 | |
gH/gL/EBNA-1 | NDV-VLPs-gH/gL-EBNA-1 | 100 | |
gB/LMP-2 | NDV-VLPs- gB-LMP-2 | 100 | |
gp350 | NDV-VLPs-gp350 | 75 | |
HBc149 displaying immunodominant epitopes of gp350 | 78 | ||
EBNA-1 | Immunogenic particles containing EBNA-1 + poly (I: C) | 104 | |
Viral vector vaccines | gp350 | VV expressing gp350 | 68,69,73 |
Adv expressing gp350 | 77 | ||
gp350/gB/EBNA-2 or EBNA-3C | VV expressing gp350, gB, EBNA-2, or EBNA-3C | 99 | |
EBNA-1 | Adv expressing EBNA-1 and VV-EBNA-1 | 96 |
GLA/SE glucopyranosyl lipid A incorporated into a stable emulsion, ISCOMs immune-stimulating complexes, SAF-1 Syntex adjuvant formulation, Fc crystallizable fragment, αDEC-205-EBNA-1 C-terminus of EBNA-1 fused with DEC-205 (a human endocytic receptor), CTL cytotoxic T lymphocytes, TT tetanus toxoid, IFA incomplete Freund’s adjuvant, DCs dendritic cells, SAS sigma adjuvant system, LS lumazine synthase, NDV Newcastle disease virus, HBc149 hepatitis B core antigen, VV vaccinia virus, Adv adenovirus.