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. 2022 Dec 9;7:159. doi: 10.1038/s41541-022-00587-6

Table 1.

Different types of EBV vaccine studies.

Types Antigen Formulation Ref.
Subunit vaccine gp350 Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with Freund’s adjuvant or alum 57,63
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with Alum 55
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with GLA/SE 62
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with ISCOMs 72
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with SAF-1 or alum 60
Subunit gp350 adjuvanted with SAF-1 61,70
gp350 incorporated into liposomes 58,59,71,74
Tetrameric and monomeric gp3501–470 + CpG and alum 56
Fc-gp350 adjuvanted with CpG OND/Alum 79
gB Trimeric gB adjuvanted with CpG and alum 84
gH/gL Trimeric and monomeric gH/gL adjuvanted with CpG and alum 84
/ Glycoprotein complex 83
EBNA-1 αDEC-205-EBNA-1 adjuvanted with poly(I:C) 95
Epitope vaccine gp350 CTL epitopes of gp350 and gH adjuvanted with TT and IFA 67
DC vaccine BZLF-1 DCs transfected to express BZLF-1 98
DNA vaccine gp350 pCDNA3.1 plasmid encoding gp350 64
gp350 plasmid of tetrameric gp3501–470 56
mRNA vaccine gH/gL/gp220/gp42 mRNA-1189 (NCT05164094) /
Nanoparticle vaccine gH/gL/gp42 ferritin-gH/gL/gp42 + SAS 85
gH/gL ferritin-gH/gL + SAS 85
nanoparticle displaying 60 copies of gH/gL 86
gp350 ferritin-gp350 + SAS 65
gp350 LS- or I3-01- gp350 domain I/II/III adjuvanted with MF59 66
Virus-like particles (VLPs) / EBV-VLPs deleted EBNA-2, LMP-1, EBNA-3A, -B, -C and BZLF-1 102
/ EBV-VLPs deleted BFLF-1/BFRF-1A or BBRF-1 103
gp350/gB/gp42/gH/gL NDV-VLPs-gp350, gB, gp42, gH and gL 87
gH/gL/EBNA-1 NDV-VLPs-gH/gL-EBNA-1 100
gB/LMP-2 NDV-VLPs- gB-LMP-2 100
gp350 NDV-VLPs-gp350 75
HBc149 displaying immunodominant epitopes of gp350 78
EBNA-1 Immunogenic particles containing EBNA-1 + poly (I: C) 104
Viral vector vaccines gp350 VV expressing gp350 68,69,73
Adv expressing gp350 77
gp350/gB/EBNA-2 or EBNA-3C VV expressing gp350, gB, EBNA-2, or EBNA-3C 99
EBNA-1 Adv expressing EBNA-1 and VV-EBNA-1 96

GLA/SE glucopyranosyl lipid A incorporated into a stable emulsion, ISCOMs immune-stimulating complexes, SAF-1 Syntex adjuvant formulation, Fc crystallizable fragment, αDEC-205-EBNA-1 C-terminus of EBNA-1 fused with DEC-205 (a human endocytic receptor), CTL cytotoxic T lymphocytes, TT tetanus toxoid, IFA incomplete Freund’s adjuvant, DCs dendritic cells, SAS sigma adjuvant system, LS lumazine synthase, NDV Newcastle disease virus, HBc149 hepatitis B core antigen, VV vaccinia virus, Adv adenovirus.