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. 2022 Dec 9;12:21309. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-25801-2

Table 2.

Parameter values and ranges for sensitivity analysis.

Model parameter Value (s) Comments/references
Disease dynamics
Proportion of infections due to the Omicron variant (ω0) 50%, 95% Assumption with sensitivity analysis
Mean latent time 3.5 days Average of Delta (4 days) and Omicron (3 days), based on CDC55,
Mean time to recovery 5 days CDC56
Disease transmission
Ratio of basic reproduction numbers Omicron:Delta 3:1 Ito et al.49, Scientific American50, and based on Liu and Rocklöv51
Inputs for basic reproduction number of (variant, group) in the best-, base-, worst-case scenarios, respectively:
Delta, students 5, 6, 7 Assumption with sensitivity analysis, based on57
Omicron, students 3×{5,6,7} Assumption with sensitivity analysis
Delta, faculty 2.2, 3.2, 4.2 Assumption with sensitivity analysis, based on57
Omicron, faculty 3×{2.2,3.2,4.2} Assumption with sensitivity analysis
Reduction in disease transmission rate under a face mask policy (γ) 50% Zhang et al.58
Disease outcomes
Vaccine effectiveness against infection for (variant, vaccination status)
 Delta, vaccinated 80% Bruxvoort et al.59
 Omicron, vaccinated 33% BMJ60
 Delta, boosted 86.7% Bruxvoort et al.59
 Omicron, boosted 69.4% Paul61
 Symptom development rate for infected (all vaccination status) 30% Assumption (similar to Paltiel et al.12), also based on Poletti et al.62
 Hospitalization rate for symptomatic and unvaccinated (students/faculty) 1.4%/8.4% CDC63, COVID-Net64, Rabil et al.30
Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization for symptomatic (variant, vaccination status)
 Omicron, vaccinated 70% BMJ60
 Delta, vaccinated 91.7% Andrews et al.65
 Omicron, boosted 93% Based on Thompson et al.8
 Delta, boosted 97.5% Bruxvoort et al.59
 Fatality rate for hospitalized and unvaccinated (students/faculty) 0.05%/2% Rabil et al.30, Statista66,67
Screening test characteristics
Test sensitivity (sens) 80% Based on Stites andWilen68, Woloshin et al.69, Yohe70
Test specificity (spec) 98% Yohe70
Coverage characteristics at the start of the semester
Proportion of vaccinated 82% Based on Nietzel71, Mauer72, and Mayo Clinic73
Proportion of boosted 38% Based on Anderson74 and CDC75
64% Based on Virginia Tech76 and CDC75
Sensitivity analysis
Parameter Values
Screening frequency 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days
Proportion of infections due to the Omicron variant (ωO) 50%, 95%
Coverage (proportion boosted/vaccinated at the start of the semester) 64%/18%,    38%/44%,    0%/100%,    100%/0%,    0%/0%
Screening compliance (η) 75%, 90%, 100%
Transmission severity (basic reproduction number of Delta for faculty/students) Best-case: 2.2/5,    base-case 3.2/6,    worst-case 4.2/7