Table 1.
Deductive code list and identified sub-codes based on SEPO
Topic level | Code number | Description | Examples (de-identified and paraphrased) | Total | |||
Provider level (31.55% of all signals) |
A-1 | Providing free HIV self-test kits | “During the time of COVID, it is important to continue to test yourself for any HIV infection. Today, we are offering free HIV home tests mailed directly to you confidentially. All information submitted will be anonymously. #HIVtest #gettested #hivawareness #hivprevention #hivpositive #hivtesting #gay #lesbian #bisexual #trans #transgender” | 2 | 41 | 0 | 43 (43.00%) |
A-2 | Providing free STD prevention (condom) | “Protect yourself from potential infections. It’s important to rubber up before engaging in activities. Message us today so we can send you free condoms. You never know when you will need to use them.” | 0 | 15 | 0 | 15 (15.00%) | |
A-3 | Providing HIV medical and prevention services (HIV test and PrEP) | “At home testing kits for long term adherence to #PrEP is one way to verify if PrEP has been working well for you to prevent #HIV. Contact us to see how we can assist you! #COVID #telehealth” | 7 | 10 | 0 | 17 (17.00%) | |
A-4 | Concerns regarding reduced operation of STD and HIV clinics during COVID | “Testing for your status for HIV is important. The pandemic may have impacted availability and locations to go near you, but there are options to test yourself. If that isn’t an option you can also do virtual PrEP clinic with a pharmacist available 7 days a week. #queer #prep #theprepclinic # hivprevention #harmreduction #knowyourstatus #hivtesting #safersex | 17 | 8 | 0 | 25 (25.00%) | |
Total | 26 | 74 | 0 | 100 | |||
Patient Level (36.59% of all signals) | B-1 | Distrust of HIV prevention | “B******! It’s all about control. Covid is no different than HIV. They want you to take something into your body because it can prevent you from illness. What’s next? They can’t take my rights away. I decide what goes into my body | 6 | 0 | 0 |
6 (5.17%) |
B-2 | Experienced lack of access to PrEP and HIV treatment during COVID | “Ever since COVID-19 began, its been very difficult to get tested for HIV in hospitals
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22 | 7 | 2 | 31 (26.72%) | |
B-3 | Concern of lack of funding and resources for HIV prevention | “@******* @******* @ *****, I overheard a few people at my clinic talking about how they might double count patients who visit for HIV, so they don’t lose funding. I wonder if they do that for other diseases?” | 2 | 0 | 0 |
2 (1.72%) |
B-4 | User claims in support of PrEP therapy | “Mask up during COVID. Been on PrEP for years and I can say the medication works well. It’s HIV blocking abilities are a life saver. However, I did het Hep-c a few years back from sex alone. That was disappointing but oh well. Just you PrEP. It works!” | 4 | 0 | 0 |
4 (3.45%) |
B-5 | Patient reacquiring access to PrEP treatment | “Now that the lockdowns are over and our case counts are near 0 maybe it’s time to get back on PrEP. Its time to have fun this year!” | 2 | 0 | 0 |
2 (1.72%) |
B-6 | Expressions that users should be aware of COVID-19-related risks (people having sex and at risk) | “Screaming at this F**** who told me he doesn’t hookup without condoms, and he feels like he did something for denying a guy he met on grinder who didn’t want condoms because he uses PrEP. Like honey, condoms won’t protect you from COVID. What are you doing?” | 3 | 0 | 0 |
3 (2.59%) |
B-7 | Recommend other users to engage in HIV prevention efforts (testing, PrEP, condom use) | “If you test negative for #HIV that doesn’t mean you no longer need condoms, PrEP or other effective prevention strategy. Kinda like a negative #COVID test doesn’t mean you don’t have to socially distance.” | 13 | 18 | 0 |
31 (26.72) |
B-8 | Self-perceived reduced risk due to reduced sexual behavior | “I stopped using PrEP (COVID) since I can’t do anything with these lockdowns” | 19 | 1 | 3 |
23 (19.83%) |
B-9 | Users think they immune to COVID because they are on PrEP | “People are crazy today. They think taking one medication will protect them from others diseases. Come on people. Taking PrEP doesn’t protect you from STD like chlamydia or the COVID virus. Hell, it won’t save you from your own stupidity
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14 | 0 | 0 |
14 (12.07%) |
Total | 85 | 26 | 5 | 116 | |||
Community Level (31.86% of all signals) | C-1 | Opinion that COVID lowers rate of HIV (due to social distancing) | “While COVID is terrible overall, I think all these lockdowns may have a benefit towards lowering STI rates. Can you imagine” | 1 | 0 | 0 |
1 (0.99%) |
C-2 | Financial impact caused by COVID Pandemic increased sex worker number and could lead to higher STI and HIV rates | “One of the saddest things I have seen is the increase funds for boys and girls. In 24 h, I have been contacted by 9 people offering sex for money. Some are people who lost their jobs because of covid. I decline them and try to give them support, but it sad that 93% of sex workers have contracted at least one STI before. I feel that this pandemic will increase the overall percentage. #HIV #HIVprevention #NoPrEPforme #gettested2020 #safesex #sexwork” | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1 (0.99%) |
C-3 | Health resources being prioritized for COVID-19 instead of HIV | “Hospitals are being overrun by COVID patients. I was watching the news that emergency vehicles likes ambulances will have to treat those who are positive for covid before other patients. What if I have a broken bone that needed to be looked at. Or what if I have a heart attack? Am I supposed to wait until the pandemic is over for help? Will this affect any of my medication like PrEP or my typical screening with my primary doctor? I hope I can still get medical help when it’s needed. If not, I’ll be pissed.” #covid19 #covid19PH #coronavirus #safesex #SafeSexAwareness #RH #RHLaw #birthcontrol #HIV #HIVprevention #womenshealth #genderequality #genderequalityforall #genderequalitymatters | 9 | 2 | 0 |
11 (10.89%) |
C-4 | Lack of focus on HIV prevention | “COVID hasn’t put HIV or STI infections to sleep. They are still being transmitted and we need adequate sexual health services for them!” | 7 | 0 | 0 |
7 (6.93%) |
C-5 | New technology discussions for PrEP | “Exciting news! New covid taskforce discussed a highly effective two-dose COVID vaccine! Also, a more effective PrEP drug for HIV! It’s about time!
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26 | 1 | 0 |
27 (26.73%) |
C-6 | PrEP used as a prevention method for COVID-19 | “Lots of distrust circling on social media. People are taking anything to prevent COVID. Heck, some of my friends think that PrEP can also protect them from COVID since it protects them from HIV transmission.” | 31 | 0 | 12 |
43 (42.57%) |
C-7 | Sharing knowledge on HIV prevention when users lack access to PrEP | “In some way we have several layers of protection to prevent the spread of HIV. Even if you can’t get access to PrEP, many organizations provide condoms for those who are on a budget. #SafeSexAlways #StopTheStigma” | 3 | 2 | 1 |
6 (5.94%) |
C-8 | Sharing general PrEP knowledge | “Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication that preventions HIV infection. PrEP is free for those who are considered to be substantial high risk of contracting HIV via sex. However, because of COVID, some appointments services may be affected. #sexwellbeing” | 1 | 3 | 0 |
4 (3.96%) |
C-9 | Discussion of stigma experienced by use of PrEP | “I can understand why people look at me differently when I tell them I’m on PrEP. It’s not that I have HIV, but I’m trying to prevent myself from acquiring it. I wish that people would think and educate themselves before they speak.” | 1 | 0 | 0 |
1 (0.99%) |
Total | 79 | 9 | 13 | 101 |