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. 2022 Dec 10;171:e391–e397. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.12.027

Table 3.

Outcomes of Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy Following COVID-19 Infection

Patient No. Age
Neurologic Injury Positioning Diagnosis to Specialist Evaluation (mo) Follow-Up (mo) Magnetic Resonance Imaging Electrodiagnostic Studies Clinical Course
1 44F Brachial pan-plexopathy Prone 12 3 Diffuse brachial plexopathy with greatest involvement of lower trunk
2 12 Chronic patchy pan-brachial plexopathy, most affecting ulnar nerve innervated muscles Improvement in shoulder and elbow function, poor hand function, continued dysesthesias to fingertips
2 57M Brachial pan-plexopathy Supine 7 2 Severe brachial pan-plexopathy Minimal shoulder function
4 6 Asymmetric decrease bulk of multiple muscles around left chest wall and shoulder in varying nerve distributions with chronic denervation changes. Fibrillation potentials in a patchy distribution, severe left brachial pan-plexopathy Shoulder abduction with deltoid 3/5
5 12 Severe diffuse brachial plexopathy, interval reinnervation of proximal muscles Deltoid 4+, Biceps/Brachialis 1/5, Triceps 2/5
3 37M Brachial pan-plexopathy Prone 6 1 Thickening and enhancements of roots and trunks consistent with brachial plexitis, no structural abnormality
7 68M Incomplete bilateral brachial plexopathy Supine 12 12 Incomplete bilateral brachial pan-plexopathy affecting posterior cord and median and ulnar nerves
8 27F Lower trunk plexopathy Supine 12 12 Lower trunk plexopathy
9 53M Lower trunk plexopathy Prone 4 4 Patchy lower trunk plexopathy affected median, posterior interosseous, and ulnar nerves
10 44M Radial mononeuropathy Lateral Decubitus 3 3 Severe right radial mononeuropathy arising proximal to branch of triceps with some reinnervation to the triceps No finger or wrist extension
11 59M Bilateral ulnar neuropathy resolved on left side after 6 months, persistent on right Supine 28 28 Normal caliber and signal intensity of the right ulnar nerve Right severe ulnar neuropathy at or about the elbow Dense numbness and wasting of right hand